Lewis acids & bases

2012-05-02 4:49 am
1.Which statements below is/are true?

I.Hydrofluoric acid is a weaker Lewis acid than hydrochloric acid
II.Fluoride is a stronger Lewis base than chloride

Is statement 2 the correct explanation for that hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid in water?

2.Is there a chemical reaction taking place in the following cases?

I.Ammonia dissolve in water
II.Hydrochloric acid dissolve in water
III. Sodium hydroxide dissolve in water

3.Acutally what is the shape and natures of a hydrated hydroxide ion?
Will it form covalent bonds with water molecules like the hydrated hydrogen ions case forming coordinate bonds with lone pair of water to yield hydronium ions?

中文的化學詞彙不太看的懂= =" 請用英文回答...


Thank you very much for the translation!!! However, I can't hardly understand the affect of anions size on their stability. Actually what do you mean by a more even electron distribution? Also, what is the electron density? I think that should be sth aboutl those electron orbitals, right?


Another question is that for the ammonia case, what makes ammonia a base? Is that the energy released by the formation of the new N-H bond is greater than that to destroy a O-H bond in water? I also wonder whether the reaction is exothermic or endothermic as water is quite a weak Lewis base.


Umm....silly grammar mistake I can't hardly understand->I can hardly understand



回答 (2)

2012-05-04 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)路易斯酸 是接收孤電子對
路易斯鹼 是提供孤電子對
HA+H2O-->H3O+ + A- HA是酸
F- 體積比Cl-細,Cl-能更有效分散負電荷(較穩定),使平衡位置在右方,酸性較高
Cl-較F-穩定代表HCl較HF不穩定 (平衡相對性)
F2是較強路易斯鹼,代表其離子也是較強路易斯鹼,代表HF是較弱路易斯酸所以statement 2 is the correct explanation for that hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid in water2)化學反應定義是有新物質生成
I.Ammonia dissolve in water 有
NH3溶水 NH3(g)-->NH3(aq)
NH3+H2O-->NH4+ + OH-
生成新物質NH4+ OH-II.Hydrochloric acid dissolve in water 有
HCl溶水 HCl(g)-->HCl(aq)
HCl+H2O-->H3O+ + Cl-
生成新物質 H3O+ Cl-III. Sodium hydroxide dissolve in water 沒有
它和水沒有反應3)不會,h+ 會形成h3o+,是因為h+體積太小,和水結合的水合能很高

2012-05-14 18:28:28 補充:
體積大,軌態(orbital)也越大,自然容納兩粒孤電子的空間較大,電子密度(charge density)也越小,電子密度可理解成電子在軌態的密度,越高,孤電子越容易提供,越低,電子越難提供

事實上,鍵能(bond energy)同酸鹼離解度,沒有直接關係,因為鍵能主要是影響活化能(Ea),而主要影響因素,是離子的穩定性,考慮以下平衡

2012-05-14 18:28:32 補充:
NH3+H2O-->NH4+ + OH-
NH3+H2O--->NH2- + H3O+
O en > N en ,抓住孤電子能力大,所以較穩定

估計NH3+H2O-->NH4+ + OH-
是吸熱反應,因為離解常數低 Kb=1.8x10^-5

2012-05-14 18:33:13 補充:
O en > N en ,抓住孤電子能力大,所以較穩定

2012-05-14 18:33:52 補充:

2012-05-14 23:27:39 補充:

參考: my
2012-05-13 1:55 am
The following is ONLY the TRANSLATED piece of answer from 小云
I’m not sure about its correctness!
Things in [ ] are my opinion/supplement

Here you are:

1) Lewis acid accepts lone pair of electrons
Lewis base donates lone pair of electrons

2012-05-12 17:55:59 補充:
Concerning the dynamic equilibrium of acid HA
HA + H2O <----> H3O+ + A-

As F- ion is smaller than Cl- in size,
Cl- can have a more even distribution of negative charge [which is from electrons]

2012-05-12 17:56:23 補充:
This make Cl- more stable [than F-],
So, the equilibrium position lies [more] on the right [for “HCl + H2O <----> H3O+ + Cl-” than “HF + H2O <----> H3O+ + F-”]

2012-05-12 17:56:35 補充:
[Thus, there will be more H3O+ in the equilibrium of hydrochloric acid than that of hydrofluoric acid]
[Such that hydrochloric acid is] more acidic [than hydrofluoric acid]

2012-05-12 17:57:09 補充:
Cl- is more stable than F-
means that HCl is less stable than HF [“平衡相對性”, I don’t know what is it = =]
Which can be understood as HCl accepts electrons better and thus is a stronger Lewis acid

So, statement I is correct

2012-05-12 17:58:06 補充:
{In the same sense,
F- donates lone pair of electrons [easier than Cl-]
So, F- is a stronger Lewis base [than Cl-]
F- is a strong Lewis base
And F2 is also a strong Lewis base
So, 2 is correct

2012-05-12 17:58:16 補充:
F2 is also a strong Lewis base means that its ions are also strong Lewis base,
Thus, it means that HF is a weak Lewis acid
So, statement 2 is the correct explanation for that hydrofluoric acid is a weak acid in water.}

[Things in{} are quite confusing, not really know what they means]

2012-05-12 17:58:27 補充:
Definition of chemical reaction is that there are new substance(s) formed
I. Ammonia dissolve in water
New substance formed
NH3 dissolve in water: NH3(g)-->NH3(aq)
NH3 then react with water: NH3+H2O-->NH4+ + OH-
New substances formed : NH4+ and OH-

2012-05-12 17:58:56 補充:
II. Hydrochloric acid dissolve in water
New substance formed
HCl dissolve in water: HCl(g)-->HCl(aq)
HCl then react with water: HCl+H2O-->H3O+ + Cl-
New substances formed : H3O+ and Cl-

2012-05-12 17:59:02 補充:
III. Sodium hydroxide dissolve in water
No new substances formed
NaOH dissolve in water: NaOH(s)-->Na+(aq)+OH-(aq)
It has no reaction with water

2012-05-12 17:59:23 補充:
No [OH- won’t form covalent bonds with water as H+ does]
H+ forms H3O+ is because the size of H+ is too small that the hydration energy is very high
The way of combining [H+ and H2O] is:

2012-05-12 17:59:36 補充:
Lone pair of H2O forms dative covalent bond[=coordinate bond] with the low-energy empty orbital of H+
OH- won’t form [covalent bonds with water as H+ does]

2012-05-12 18:00:13 補充:
Because it is large, [and its] H [atom] have no [low-energy] empty orbital, neither do the H atom[s] of water.

[I don’t quite understand what’s it saying for Q3]

That's all, hope I can help you =]

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