
2012-05-01 9:47 pm
1. He is more ugly than all the other guys in his school.

問題 : 明明是全班最醜的了 那為什麼不要用"most"呢??
這是我剛剛看到的句型 好怪阿...

2. The proposal on which I insist is the only chance.

問題: on which 是不是可以代換成that呢??

3. 雖然辛蒂是個小孩 但他懂得如何取悅別人

Cindy is a child,she knows how to please others.


4. He works harder than he ____ when he entered this company.

答案 did

問題 為什麼不是was ??

5. Health and wealth are both important to us, but without health,wealth is of no use. Therefore,______ is more significant than _____.

答案 that / this

問題 為什麼不是 this / that ? 不是說 健康 比 財富 重要嗎

兩集結束了~~歡迎索取點數唷!感謝您~必有福報: )))

回答 (4)

2012-05-01 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. He is more ugly than all the other guys in his school.
問題 : 明明是全班最醜的了 那為什麼不要用"most"呢??
這是我剛剛看到的句型 好怪阿...

用the most ugly 或 the ugliest也是同樣的意思.
跟中文一樣, 英文對同樣的語意也可以有不同的修辭.

2. The proposal on which I insist is the only chance.
問題: on which 是不是可以代換成that呢??

換成that的話, 介系詞on要保留在緊跟insist之後:
= The proposal which I insist on is the only chance.
= The proposal that I insist on is the only chance
insist是不及物動詞, 必須有on才能有關代which/that當其受詞.

3. 雖然辛蒂是個小孩 但他懂得如何取悅別人
Cindy is a child,she knows how to please others.

英文的兩個完整句子不可僅以逗號連接, 需要連接詞:
Cindy is a child,she knows how to please others.
= Cindy is a child, but/yet/still she knows how to please others.
= Though/Although/Even if /Even though Cindy is a child, she knows how
to please others.

4. He works harder than he ____ when he entered this company.
答案 did
問題 為什麼不是was ??

現在工作與過去工作比較, 本事works與worked比較
但為了避免重複同一動詞, 以did代替worked.
一般動詞用do的相關型態代替, 不可用be動詞;
如果前面有be動詞(包含進行式或被動語態的be動詞), 後面才可用be動詞來避免重複.

5. Health and wealth are both important to us, but without health,wealth is of no use. Therefore,______ is more significant than _____.
答案 that / this
問題 為什麼不是 this / that ? 不是說 健康 比 財富 重要嗎

wealth: 假設的既存事物, 屬於較近的, 用this;
without health: 假設的不存在事物, 屬於較遠的, 用that.
參考: *Infinito* + 文法
2012-05-03 12:19 am


3。Although Cindy is a child, but he knows how to please others


2012-05-02 1:39 pm
2012-05-01 10:31 pm
1.比較級 than any other N+ in school
= 比較級 than all the other Ns + in school
= 最高級 of all Ns in school
2. The proposal on which I insist is the only chance
= The proposal (which) I insist ON is the only chance
3. Although( 連接詞) + Cindy is a child, she knows how to please others.
4.because work is general V
5. 健康 比 財富 重要 健康 is previous, so use to that for signular /those for plural , 財富 is latter, so use to this for sigular / these for plural .

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