permutation and combination20分

2012-04-29 8:09 pm
Tom and Mary have 3 sons and 2 daughters. They have bought 7 concert tickets. in how many ways can they be arranged in the following seats if at least one of the parents must sit at one end of the row?

請問case1是否計漏一個情況 both parents sit at ends (x代表children) 可以係2個係頭>>>Mary Tom x x x x x or Tom Mary x x x x x 都可以係2個係尾>>>x x x x x Mary Tom or x x x x x Tom Mary 但你個calculation of case1 只計左2個係頭...但無計到2個係尾@@? 所以換言之 係未應該~240+240+2400=2880 請解答 謝謝







回答 (3)

2012-04-29 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Case 1 : Both parents sit at theends
No. of ways that the parents sit at the ends = P(2,2)
No. of ways that the 5 children sit between the ends = P(5,5)
Hence, no. of ways for case 1 = P(2,2) x P(5,5)

Case 2 : Only one parent sit at one end
No. of ways to select 1 parent from Tom and Mary = C(2,1)
No. of ways that this parent sit at one of the ends = P(2,1)
No. of ways that another parent sit between the ends = P(5,1)
No. of ways that the 5 children take their seat = P(5,5)
Hence, no. of ways for case 1 = C(2,1) x P(2,1) x P(5,1) x P(5,5)

Total number of ways
= P(2,2) x P(5,5) + C(2,1) x P(2,1) x P(5,1) x P(5,5)
= 2! x 5! + (2!/1!1!) x (2!/1!) x (5!/4!) x 5!
= 2 x 120 + 2 x 2 x 5 x 120
= 2640

2012-04-30 05:23:21 補充:
Case 1 並沒有漏計,而是你對英文字 "ends" 的理解錯誤。
"ends" 是眾數,意思是「兩端」。
即 Mary x x x x x Tom
或 Tom x x x x x Mary
所以 Mary 和 Tom 坐法有 P(2,2) 種,不用乘以 2。

如你提的坐法: Mary Tom x x x x x
Mary 坐在 one end,而 another end坐的是 x,不合題意。

同理,另一坐法: x x x x x Mary Tom
坐在 two ends 的是 x 和 Tom,不合題意。

而樓下的梁小姐可能亦對英文字 "ends" 理解錯誤,所以計算錯了,多乘了 2。

2012-04-30 05:27:41 補充:

Total number of ways
= P(2,2) x P(5,5) + C(2,1) x P(2,1) x P(5,1) x P(5,5)
= 2640
參考: wanszeto, wanszeto, wanszeto
2012-04-30 12:47 am
Required No. of ways = 7! - ( 5 x 4 ) x 5! = 5040 - 2400 = 2640

Here 7! means no. of ways they sit randomly

( 5 x 4 ) x 5! means no. of ways the parents both NOT sitting at the ends.

Is it the easiest method?

2012-04-30 07:43:06 補充:
At two ends means either Left or Right only.

If they both sit at two ends, that means one at Left and one at Right but they two cannot sit together as a pair on either one side. There is a misunderstanding.
2012-04-29 11:56 pm
wanszeto 啱。



跟住,其中有一些是家長均沒有在兩側的:是5P2 x 5! = 2400款
5P2:中間位5個(扣除最左最右兩個),Tom & Mary 坐任意2個(其餘3個空出),有20款。
5040 - 2400 = 2640款

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