
2012-04-27 9:55 pm


回答 (6)

2012-05-05 10:07 am


2012-04-30 02:16:09 補充:


2012-05-05 02:07:32 補充:
許多為耶教信徒稱為奧秘,或無關緊要,而加以忽略的事實,對於在科學受教的人卻是充滿了安慰和教訓。許多耶教徒之所以不清楚明瞭科學的理據,就是因為他們【故意掩目】不看那些自己所不願遵行的真理。明瞭 科學的真理並不在乎研究的人智力的多少,而是在乎他專心渴求公義到什麼程度。

2012-05-06 15:24:29 補充:

2012-05-06 15:25:54 補充:
2012-05-03 5:59 pm
基督宗教等等反基督教信仰迷信,美國無神論者齊聚華府 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/nn575719/archive?l=f&id=18&page=2

反科學 無神論團體對基督教十大辯護論點的反擊 分類:反科學2012/02/17 10:58大原則 基督徒也是該拯救愛護的眾生,雖然他們教義不圓滿,...《 詳全文》 回應 (0) 引用 (0)編輯 刪除 影片=十大創造論者最愛的論點(Top Ten Creationist Arguments) =93%美國科學院士否認上帝 分類:反科學2012/01/17 16:33以下為轉載,請網友自行評論,格主只負責介紹,內容請查原出處 ...《 詳全文》 回應 (0) 引用 (0)編輯 刪除 影片=神反抗 - 杜金斯博士再探討宗教的禍害之二 (基督教反進化論)=中文請點擊cc

影片等等 分類:反科學2011/11/26 11:33以下為轉載,請網友自行評論,格主只負責介紹,內容請查原出處 http://w...《 詳全文》 地球幾億年前早有生命,不是聖經說的六千年 分類:反科學2011/11/14 12:02 以下為轉載,請網友自行評論,格主只負責介紹,內容請查原出處 ...《 詳全文》 宇宙大爆炸是「上帝旨意」 教宗反科學論又引爭議 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!WAQR8.ecHkJ7fEKCLfvPMw--/archive?l=f&id=13

2012-04-30 7:20 pm
網友 mercy 留言,聖經只說地球有6000年歷史,冰封四萬年長毛象BB條屍(不知道四萬年是如何算出來的! 創世前也沒有空氣,不知它是如何生存的!)

2012-04-30 7:14 am
安息日學訓言,第二篇 研究聖經的學校,第43段
參考: egw.sdacn.org
2012-04-28 2:44 am

Childhood influencesAlthough born in 1879 of German-Jewish parents, Albert was not brought up in the Jewish faith. He attended a nearby Catholic elementary school in Munich and then the local high school. A rather slow and dreamy student, Albert was bored with non-scientific subjects,and learned little under the harsh military-style 19th century German education system. He grew up with an aversion to discipline, and a life-long suspicion of all authority. Albert Einstein was not a Christian. He had no concept of the God of the Bible or trust in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. His views on religion and ‘God’ were evolutionary and pantheistic. Childhood influencesAlthough born in 1879 of German-Jewish parents, Albert was not brought up in the Jewish faith. He attended a nearby Catholic elementary school in Munich and then the local high school. A rather slow and dreamy student, Albert was bored with non-scientific subjects,and learned little under the harsh military-style 19th century German education system. He grew up with an aversion to discipline, and a life-long suspicion of all authority. Albert Einstein was not a Christian. He had no concept of the God of the Bible or trust in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. His views on religion and ‘God’ were evolutionary and pantheistic.

參考: Einstein, the universe, and God
2012-04-27 10:16 pm
科學家正在研究反証神系如何顯生出來創做宇宙.......... 俾哋耐性等下啦 !

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