
2012-04-27 4:13 am

Question: I keep meeting people who say that human-induced is
only theory, that just as many scientists doubt it as believe it. Can you settle the
-- J. Proctor, London, UK
So-called “global warming skeptics” are indeed getting more vocal than ever, and banding together to show their solidarity against the scientific consensus that has concluded that global warming is caused by emissions from human activities.
Upwards of 800 skeptics (most of whom are not scientists) took part in the second Climate annual International Conference on Change—sponsored by the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank—in March 2009. Keynote speaker and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorologist Richard Lindzen told the gathering that “there is no substantive basis for predictions of sizeable global warming due to observed increases in minor greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.”
Most skeptics attribute global warming—few if any doubt any longer that the
warming itself is occurring, given the worldwide rise in surface temperature—to 2 natural cycles, not emissions from power plants, automobiles and other human activity. “The observational evidence...suggests that any warming from the growth of greenhouse gases is likely to be minor, difficult to detect above the natural
fluctuations of the climate, and therefore inconsequential,” says atmospheric physicist Fred Singer, an outspoken global warming skeptic and founder of the advocacy- Environmental Policy oriented Science and Project.

請不要用google translate!Thanks!!:))

回答 (1)

2012-04-28 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
問: 我保持會議的人說人類引起是唯一的理論,很多科學家懷疑它像相信它。你可以解決分數嗎?— — J.Proctor,英國,倫敦所謂"全球氣候變暖的懷疑論者"的確越來越比以往更為響亮,集結在一起以顯示他們的團結一致反對的就結束,全球變暖的科學共識引起人類活動排放的。以上的 800 懷疑論者 (其中大多數人不是科學家) 參加二次氣候年度國際會議上變化 — — 贊助的中心地帶研究所,保守的智庫 — — 2009 年 3 月。主旨演講人和麻省理工學院氣象學家理查 · 德森表示,"有相當大的全球變暖輕微的溫室氣體如二氧化碳、 甲烷和氯氟烴中觀察到的上升趨勢的預測沒有實質性基礎。"大多數懷疑論者屬性全球變暖 — — 如果任何不再懷疑這幾個氣候變暖本身發生,鑒於全球表面溫度上升 — — 2 自然迴圈,不從發電廠、 汽車和其他人類活動的排放量。"… … 的觀測證據表明任何氣候變暖的溫室氣體的增長是可能是輕微的難以察覺以上自然氣候,波動,因此是無足輕重的"說大氣物理學家弗雷德歌手,面向科技專案直言不諱全球變暖的懷疑論者和宣導環境政策的創始人

2012-04-27 16:50:57 補充:
I hope can help you

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