
2012-04-26 5:20 am
我想學畫畫,畫畫既全部筆係咩(寫埋作用,起邊有得buy),點畫畫,有咩技巧,同點畫風景,漫畫人物。同埋你畫畫的感受比我聽丫(最好教我畫埋),有msn加我,[email protected]

回答 (3)

2012-05-02 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
pencil for stretching
畫筆FOR painting in poster colour or oil colour
毛筆 for water colour
marker for comics
if u want to paint without any reference, u must remember the details of all things.stretch of human body require good 3d imagination. the most difficult part of drawing is to draw the facial expression of people, but in comics it is easier to do that.
moreover, you have to know how to produce certain colour by mixing the only few colour u have.
even for a gifted painter, he have to practice, to ''copy'' others piece or photograph at the beginning in order to learn faster.

2012-05-02 17:12:35 補充:
u can find most of the things u need in stationary shop
in terms of skills, since there are differernt skills in different media, it is impossible to tell u all here, but u can search the internet and master the skills through practice.
contact me if u have any q
2012-05-09 6:05 am
2012-05-04 6:22 pm

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