改Grammer (不用翻譯網站)

2012-04-26 12:00 am
Your smart card had logged out. If you move out your goods in office hours (9:00am - 5:30pm). After you can pay this week rent. you go to my office to pay the rent. If you cannot pay the rent, the goods do not move out. So two months deposit had deducted Apr - May rental. You tell me that you will move out before (date) . No excuse no extend. We calculate per day your rental. If you do not move out on (Date), we will counted as one month rent. According to our contact, there is less than one month will be counted as one month rent.

回答 (4)

2012-04-26 9:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的問題不單是英文 Grammar 的問題。按我對你所寫的文字的理解,嘗試替你重寫:

You have informed us that you will move out before (date). No excuses will be accepted and there will be no extension. If you do not move out on (date), the rent will be counted on monthly basis according to the terms stated in our contract – not on daily rate.Your smart card had been cancelled. Please come to the office within the office hours (9:00am – 5:30pm) to pay your rent before you move out the goods. If you do not pay your rent before (date), your two months deposit will be deducted as your rent for the period of Apr and May (year). 注意,如果按金作為 4-5月租金,對方有權在5月31日才遷出。因不交租而將對方的貨扣押是犯法的行為。
2016-02-02 10:57 pm
Exist fridge can be moved out and can be moved in the new one
2012-04-26 12:20 am
The grammar rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences should be studied as:-
(If you) Move out your goods!
(After) Afterwards you can pay this weeks's rent by going to my office.
(So) Two months deposite(had) will be deducted on Apr-May rental.

No excuse with any extension!
we will count as one month rent.
(there is) Less than one month will be counted as one month rent!
參考: google translation website
2012-04-26 12:11 am
Your smart card is canceled, if you have your goods, office hours (9:00 am -afternoon 5:30). This week, you can pay the rent. To my office to pay the rent. If you can not pay the rent, the goods do not move out. Two months net rent deposit 4 - 5months.

Can you tell me, you will move before (date). There is no excuse not to renew. Wecalculate the daily rent. If you do not move (date), we will be counted as one month's rent. According to our contact, less than a month will be counted as one month's rent.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 12:39:20
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