中譯英 (不要網譯)

2012-04-25 8:24 pm
Dear Sir,

we would like to inform you that 你申請的sample我們已經安排了, 有關寄出樣板日期我們知道後會第一時間通知你, thanks!

回答 (5)

2012-04-26 12:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
中譯英 (不要網譯)

Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that we have organised the sample that you applied for.
We will notify you of the mailing date of the sample as soon as we learn about it.
Thank you!
Yours faithfully.
2012-04-27 6:41 am
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that we had arranged the sample of your application form.

About that sending date of the sample we would immediately inform you
when we know. Thanks!
參考: 自作
2012-04-26 12:47 am
We would like to inform you that the sample you had requested is ready. We will notify you of mailing date as soon as it is confirmed. Thank you for placing the order with us.
參考: myself
2012-04-25 10:11 pm
Dear Sir,
--------We would like to inform you that representative sample you ordered has been arranged with. We will contact you once the delivery date of the sample has been known and sent. Thanks.
參考: google translation website
2012-04-25 8:42 pm
Dear Sir,
We would like to inform you that the sample (物件) you ordered is under preparation. We will contact you once the sample has been delivered. Thanks.

Warm Regards,
參考: me

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