What would you say is the Spanish language equivalent of the New York Times?

2012-04-24 6:31 am
Preferably looking for an online newspaper.


Thank you, thank you for all of the answers. I appreciate them ALL.

回答 (5)

2012-04-24 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
The 3 big ones for the country's capital are:

REFORMA www.reforma.com
LA PRENSA www.la-prensa.com.mx
EL UNIVERSAL www.eluniversal.com.mx

I've personally only read the Universal, and I don't know which (if any) has the leading reputation.
2012-04-24 2:47 pm
Horas de Nuevo Yorque.However that refers to the hours in New York and not to the newsp[aper.
參考: abuelito
2012-04-24 7:04 am
Depends in the country for example for a good mexican newspaper the best two are el occidental and el sol de mexico
Here in the us we have el nuevo herald
Then el pais this one i dont reember from where is from
參考: De vez en cuando leo los diarios en español usualmente solo los leó en ingles :)
2012-04-24 7:02 am
Assuming you want a newspaper from Spain rather than a US based Spanish language one.
El Pais is one of the most respected newspapers in the world.
2012-04-24 6:33 am
Hora de New York
參考: I do spanish

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