[法律師兄] 僱員補償條例問題

2012-04-23 11:48 pm
我司是香港註冊法人. 近來我司請左個美國人, 主要負責美國聯絡事務.

早前佢飛過來同我司簽左一紙僱傭合約, 之後便飛返美國. 佢沒有 HK working visa, 無須在香港工作, 但卻由我公司戶口支糧 (paypal / TT).

該美國人要求我司在美國為其在當地提供 employers' liability insurance.

在此情況下, 我司是否只須為其提供美國本土保障, 而無須購買香港之勞工保險?


回答 (2)

2012-04-24 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As his principal employment location is not in Hong Kong, he is not considered as an employee in the view of Hong Kong Ordinance.

However, in this case, your company must comply all necessary requirement based on his location in the U.S.

2012-04-30 14:49:27 補充:
There is no Ordinance mentioning that.

Basically you have explained the issue - he works in the U.S. Hong Kong has no legal authority overseas.

2012-04-30 14:50:44 補充:
In case of the injury or death, your local-based U.S. policy will do the payout (as soon as it is covered).

2012-04-30 14:52:29 補充:
Not necessary - however, due to the design of the legal system, suing in Hong Kong will significantly lower the compensation. (Workers' Compensation tends to pay higher in the U.S.)

No one will risk it at all.

2012-04-30 14:52:51 補充:
Beside - workers' compensation is a no-fault system. It is difficult for the employee to get more than what he is entitled to based on the system's design.
2012-05-04 12:55 am
1. 假定貴司的僱傭合約是受制於香港法律,而合約內沒有條文要求貴司提供符合美國本土保障法律,情況比較簡單。
2. 按香港僱員補償條例(第282章) 第40條,僱主一定要為僱員購買僱主法律責任的強制保險,否則僱主不得僱用該僱員從事任何工作。基本保額是HK$100,000,000(以每宗事故計) ,若員工多過200人,保額則為HK$200,000,000(以每宗事故計)
3. 香港法例沒有強制要求僱員在海外購買保險。但實際上保險公司可以將保單涵蓋在海外工作的員工。但貴司要與保險公司商討額外保費,許多香港僱傭合約的員工,因公要往中國工作,通常公司的保險既包香港,也包中國以至海外的。
Nothing shall constitute legal advice to any personby Messrs. Maurice WM LeeSolicitors (Tel: (852) 2537 5833) (Website: www.wmleehk.com)No person shall rely on the contents without our prior written consent. Weassume no liabilitiesCopyright ©2012 Maurice WM Lee Solicitors本文所載的內容均不構成李偉民律師事務所(Tel: (852) 2537 5833) (website: www.wmleehk.com)的法律意見未經我們事先書面同意, 任何人不得使用上述內容. 本所不承擔有關責任©2012李偉民律師事務所版權所有

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