
2012-04-21 10:34 pm

Strong: Buffett said he feels great and his energy levels are 100 per cent despite the diagnosis


Who cares! - mkb, ponderay. usa, 4/18/12 12:32 AM So, why take the time to click on the story? What stupid insensitive comment! The world needs more people like him, less like you! I hope he makes a full recovery. - Lily of the Valley, US of A, 18/04/2012 03:26 Lily of the Valley, you obviously have no idea what this 'person' has done to humanity throughout his life! He is not a nice man! What he has is not a good thing, but he is the author of his own health. - Warm Brie, Alone-in-the-room,
Is about time a bad luck thing happened to him , i hate the elite , bunch of muppets . - Jamal, London UK,
Have to say I am surprised he made it to 80 before getting sick. I watched a documentary about him a while back and his diet is extemely lacking in nutrients! Apparently he only drinks coca cola (surprise) he likes steak and ice cream and he rarely eats fruit and vegetables. Im sure he will be fine as the cancer has been caught early unlike Ryan Oneal who has stage 4 prostate cancer.- Colette, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada,
As he is in his 80's, it would be news if he DIDN'T have prostate cancer. At least 90% of men his age will have this, but it shouldn't cause any major symptoms or shorten his life in any way, not at his age. Over 50% of men over the age of 50 also have signs of prostate cancer - it's a very common decease. However, most men will die WITH prostate cancer, not BECAUSE of prostate cancer. How do I know? I'm 54 - with early stage prostate cancer. Same as Mr. Buffett, my PSA levels elevated during a routine check. If you are a male, aged 50+, you should seriously consider asking for a PSA test - especially if you suddenly find yourself going to the loo a little bit more often. I'm fairly lucky - will you be if you ignore this? - Mike, South Oxfordshire, England,

回答 (2)

2012-04-21 10:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
細胞基因時鐘倒數至終患癌症嘅巴菲特嘅人生就好似發咗場美夢咁?有癌無癌都要死架啦, 唔通淨糸巴菲特才可以發美夢咩, 簡直糸春秋大夢.
2012-04-21 10:40 pm

2012-04-21 14:48:25 補充:

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