story of watermelon ??

2012-04-21 9:41 am
第一句 : 囡囡 brought a half piece of watermelon back home which it had been eaten. 囡囡帶了一片半拆被人食過的西瓜回家
I exclaimed in astonishment at her,

I took out her watermeon and said "Don't take anything back home from outside,

I know, you like watermelon much, ok, I'll buy some for you.
我明白的,,妳很喜歡食西瓜, ok, 我等陣買些回來比給妳.

囡囡 seemed to know when I ended my speech, she jumped up and down the sofa instanly.
當我說完後她似乎明白我講什麼, 她立刻在sofa跳上跳落.

註 : 囡囡是一隻狗..

回答 (1)

2012-04-21 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Story of Water Melon??error and correction:-

(1)(Doris is the dog's name)
----Who eat water melon,man or dog? hence Doris brought a half piece of water-melon back home.............
(2)taken by accident or buying?
----------Not I'll buy some but-( I will buy a seeded sliced piece)------
(3)seemed to know,(and was happy), when I ended my speech............

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