
2012-04-21 5:23 am
1.成年bno 係16歲定18歲? 我17歲自己1個去RENEW得唔得?
2.本BNO過左期十幾年 是否要有專業人士簽名? 搵老師簽得唔得?
3.RENEW BNO 仲有咩要注意??

回答 (3)

2012-04-22 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Passport does not have child or adult version. However, if the person is below 16, a 5-year passport will be issued (with a one-time 5-year free renewal). Otherwise, you will get a 10-year passport.

Since you are minor, you will need your parent's signature.

2. In this case - yes. Yes.

3. If you can, surrender your old passport can make your application easier.
2012-04-26 3:07 am

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