BBA(law), Medi, LLB, GBUS的抉擇

2012-04-21 1:59 am
事實上, 我在生理和心理上都未有足夠準備去面對.

坦白來講, 我是一個擅長讀書和喜歡挑戰的人
不過, 我的家庭經濟能力不是那麼好
所以面對BBA(law), Medi, LLB, GBUS抉擇時,

以下是有關我的想法, 供各位朋友參考

BBA(law) 是雙學位 多能從事法律和商業有關的職業 4年
LLB 是法學位 多能從事法律相關的職業 4年
Medi 是醫學範疇的學位 多能從醫生和藥研 6年
GBUS 是商學位 多被大公司和跨國企業招聘作 i-Banker 4年

首先, 礙於 家庭經濟問題, 我需要一份就業率較高 和 經濟收入較佳的職業
簡單來說, 是當畢業後不需花太多時間去找工作, 而收入較穩定的職業

其次,是職業前景方面的問題, 我希望在擁有穩定收入的情況下, 能夠憑自己
的辛勞獲得 晉升機會.
簡單來說, 是畢業後那種職業是比較不受外圍因素影響?而又能夠多勞多得?


BBA(law), Medi, LLB, GBUS

回答 (4)

2012-04-29 7:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,
I am a current BBA(Law) student who randomly see your post.
I would share some facts with you from my and my friends experience

Okay, for BLAW - you should expected to see many aggressive people with high language ability as well as presentation skills.But they are still nice but really competitive, and some of them even with very good networking for internship or even grad job.

Originally, there are about 10% of them will choose to graduate after Year 3 to receive some Business firm MT offer/ banking offer, yet, as the business environment is not quite bad recently, many of us would choose to stay and study LLB and plan to take PCLL as a solicitor (most of them) So if you wanna have a stable and predictable career, and you are confidence about your academic result, Legal field would be a good choice, and you should choose LLB as your higher prioprity, as you need not waste 1year and handle double workload. Comparatively, llb workload is not that harsh as double degree, esp near the end of semester, BLAW is overwhelming by unlimited projects and presentations as well as LLB and BUSI exams.

For GBUS - as one of my bests frds is taking this programme, frankly, business is a bit vague comparing to professional degress, as it depends on the business environment. Yet, it will still be a good choice to widen your horizon with exchange. rmb, GBUS is not equivalent to good grad job/high paid Ibank, you still lots of time to find a good job, as these firms have really high thresholds and expectations. For internship as an example, this year more people in BLAW gets ibank internship offers comparing to CU GBUS, so it really depends on your ability and effort.

Career - solicitor would be a good choice, but reli super多勞 - as your working hour maybe 8am-1am; but for international law firm fresh grad, monthly salaries would be around 40k-50k while MT in business firm are 20k. however, without good GPA in legal field, salaries for local law firm fresh grad is also 20k/month.
2012-04-22 5:19 am
全部都系d讀完打死一世工既職業 = ="
2012-04-21 3:47 am
GBUS收的學生全部都是全港最TOP的一群,裡面的課程內容可以話係包括全個BBA的範圍,以我所知,過往CU GBUS的學生在第三年下學期大約3月的時候已經全部被一些國際企業大公司聘請,有一些不希望太過辛苦也會到BIG4例如PWC做管理人員,第一年入職時已有3萬多元人工,逐年升,大約加15%-20%(視乎經濟狀況),可以說是乎合你的要求。
BBA LAW是雙學位,但要讀晒兩個DEGREE要五年時間,收的學生也很TOP,但出路不算多元化,相比起GBUS,當然GBUS較好。
LLB,讀LLB不如讀BBA LAW,試問香港有幾多係資深大律師,很多讀LLB出身的人月薪不算高,除非你能夠加入一些大公司的法律團隊。
2012-04-21 2:26 am
你好!以下是我的建議,請你參考一下。 首先香港將來的發展是以金融、服務及旅遊業為主,所以你選擇的學科亦最好同這些有關連,那相對亦容易找到工作,如1. BBA(law) 是雙學位 多能從事法律和商業有關的職業因為有法律知識,而有商業的理念,現在很多誇國公司都需要這種人才 2. LLB 是法學位 多能從事法律相關的職業高尚職業,不過有排你捱,而且不符合你的要求(晉升),因為大多最後是自己開公司 3. Medi 是醫學範疇的學位 多能從醫生和藥研 6年你需要花的時間及金錢是1.5倍,而且萬一發生意外問題就前功盡廢,太冒險了 4. GBUS 是商學位 多被大公司和跨國企業招聘作 i-Banker 4年同第一項一樣 其實第1及4都合乎你要求,當然讀書最重要是你有興趣,希望你注意這一點啦!

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