Why do people get angry when you dont call them?

2012-04-20 12:48 am
I mean they have my number too so if they wanted to talk to they could always pick up their phone and call. I call my friends and family whenever I want to talk to them but if I go like a week without calling certain people they get furious and I honestly feel no pity because they have my number too. Sometimes I just feel like telling them that I have more important things to do than call them to talk about nothing. Why are some people so sensitive?

回答 (8)

2012-04-22 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cause they are cheap to call ya or expect that you have to hunt after them or they think they are too special. ...so they get angry cause they don't get the attention they crave.
2012-04-20 7:55 am
so if your a girl i have absalutly no clue but if you are a guy a lot of girls are too scared to make the first move they want you to come on to them and they start to worry that you dont like them if you dont call them call them and make short conversation at least
2012-04-20 7:53 am
untrusted, hated, or even just sadness
2012-04-20 7:50 am
cuz there bored??
2012-04-20 7:49 am
Because people love to place the blame of their mistakes on other people its just human nature.
2012-04-20 7:49 am
2012-04-20 7:48 am
They feel insecure.. that's all I can say
2012-04-20 7:53 am
because it's rude

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