Anyone have a dog who is scared of cats?

2012-04-19 6:09 pm
A friend of my roommate's brought his Amer. Bulldog mix over with him today. I can honestly say I have never laughed harder watching a dog and a cat interact. Eris(my p.i.t.a cat) fluffed up a bit when Wrench first came in, but that was really the bulk of it. Wrench on the other hand did his best to keep either 4 ft or more if not a person between him and Eris. once she calmed down, any time she came near him he'd either move if not look away.

She tried to play with his tail, a couple paw pokes, a mock charge and actively stalking him. Followed him when he followed Jen into her room and was pretty much his shadow. Scared him off the couch when she pawed at him from underneath it.

And no we didn't purposely let her antagonize him. Any time she looked like she was up to her usual brand of mischief we called her off, but it was still funny once she figured out she could push the dog around a bit. Mind you Wrench is a rather "soft" dog.

so anyone else have/had or been around a dog who gets that "save me he/she is going to eat my soul" look when a cat is around?

回答 (14)

2012-04-19 10:49 pm
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I have a Dobermann with a high/chase drive but mid range gameness because she stops short of killing prey that squawks loudly and flaps its wings in her face. The Seagull toppled off the fence in my back garden and as I ran outside, I thought it would be dead before I got there. No so, she was more mouthing that biting down hard to kill and then retreating. Bird survived because I told her to get inside.
2012-04-19 9:23 pm
No, my dog tries to chase cats... but she's intimidated by chickens. Which really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
2012-04-19 8:44 pm
Haha thats funny.

My dog isnt afraid of cats, he likes cats.

I had a cat when I was little and my neighbors had some hound would always tree everyones cats. We heard a commotion outside and look out and the hound is BOLTING down the street with my little white cat chasing after him. That cat took no ****.
2012-04-19 6:13 pm
My boxer isnt scared of the cat but he is afraid of her kittens!, along with everything else in the world... haha
2016-05-17 4:11 pm
I've seen both scared of both, and both playing with each other. I saw a dog playfully chasing a cat around the corner, then a few seconds later, here they come from the other direction, only this time the cat is chasing the dog. That was so funny!
2012-04-19 6:45 pm
Shiloh is TERRIFIED of my cats and when ever the tom cat comes over to give him some love he looks at us like "Why is he doing this to me"
2012-04-19 6:41 pm
You should know mine aren't , HOWEVER momma has mutt border collie x she also has 2 cats and they put him in his place he don't //// with them .
2012-04-19 6:30 pm
Cats and dogs are mortal natural enemies...dogs kill cats and cats claw dogs' eyes out. If the dog is young he will act unsure of a cat but if an adult dog has ever been hurt by a cat even when just a pup he might act like an unsure pup or he might want to kill cats...that's how my daughter's dog became a cat killer...a 85 pound AM Bulldog who killed cats for revenge! I have done rescue and I can't count the number of people who turned in their eyeless dogs because they could not afford the vet bill and it is always a cat that has plucked out the eye or eyes. Be very careful!
2012-04-19 6:22 pm
It doesn't escalate to terror by any means, but my Sheltie has always been very uncomfortable around cats. It's a shame because cats love him - he's non-threatening and soft to rub against - but he's always quick to get away. He reacts the same way with puppies.

He has always been a sensitive dog, however, when he was younger he had an encounter with a cat that left him pretty cut up, so that may have contributed to it.
2012-04-19 6:18 pm
my dog is scared of my rats so no worries. also my neighbours cat definately rules the roost in her house, when ever i go over he allways tells the dogs to move if they are bothering him or just generally in his way!
2012-04-19 6:18 pm
My grandfather's German Shepherd/ Beagle mix is terrified of cats. When my little sister brought home her cat Lucky nearly knocked me down trying to get away.

Now I just have a cat that is terrified of my rabbit but fights my Boston Terrier.
2012-04-19 6:15 pm
Well not for no reason. My black lab is terrified of my white cat, cause she will swipe at him if he gets too close.

Once we put a piece of cheese beside the cat as she was sleeping, the dog was looking at it, slowly moving toward it to get the piece of cheese. but he would not get it, he was too scared.

Before the cat got fixed the cat would always attack him, we would actually get mad at the cat cause the poor dog would have red eyes from being scratched.
2012-04-19 6:14 pm
Yes my dog Sport, who is a black lab. He one of our 5 dogs, and the only Hunting dog. We take him duck hunting, all the time. One time he got in a fight with a coyote, but he runs with his tail between his legs when a cat comes around. He is also scared of spiders.
2012-04-19 6:12 pm
That sounds really funny.

My cat isn't afraid of dogs, but she doesn't scare them either.

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