
2012-04-20 1:30 am
第一句Then I used a towel to wrap her up on the floor. 第二句but she did not understand “why I am being warped up and need to be brushed?”.
第三句She barked as loudly as she could and hardest bit me.
第四句I ignored her feeling whether it was bad or good, 第五句I said that “I’ll be glad when this job is over and done with”.

第一句 Then: adv –ok 狗狗被人帶到 toilet 之後的動作 I used a towel –ok 完整句子, 有主詞, 動詞, a towel 修飾動詞用什麼. To wrap–ok 不定式 ( infinitive ) 用毛巾之後的動作 ( wrap ), 或者用 wrapping her up 都得 wrap her up – ok 片語 ( phrase ), up 係介詞. –ok on the floor –ok 修飾動詞在那裏圍起 第二句 but –ok 連接詞 conj, she did not understand. –ok 引申句, 引申問題 (why)
why –ok adv 為什麼以下事情 I am being warped up –ok 因當時虹虹心想的,有引號 所以用被動現在進行式 need to be brushed –ok need 是 modal verb, to be brushed 是被動不定式. 第三句 She barked as loudly as she could -ok 有主詞, 有動詞, as loudly as she could –ok 是修飾動詞barked的 and –ok 連接詞 conj hardest bit me –ok hardest 最高級的adj, bit 是過去式及物動詞 連me. 第四句 I ignored her feeling –ok 有主詞, 有動詞, her feeling –ok 修飾動詞, 唔理什麼 Whether it was bad or good –ok 連接詞conj, it was 過去式 –ok 第五句 I said that –ok 說什麼 ( that=something ). “I’ll be glad when this job is over and done with -ok 有引號, 所以用 I’ll be, When 連接詞 –ok, this job –ok 主詞.is over and done with -ok 係被動現在完成式 Present Passive voice ( is done ), with 係講緊擦牙的動作.

回答 (2)

2012-04-28 1:31 am
How the translation is???

2012-05-04 00:41:44 補充:
2012-04-27 8:45 am

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