
2012-04-19 10:10 pm
endl is a special symbol that represents the end of a line. When you send an endl to cout, it causes the cursor to move  to the next line of the display. The next time you output something, the new text appears on the next line. Like all statements, the output statement ends with a semi-colon (;).

回答 (2)

2012-04-21 12:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
楓少爺 ,這段文字應該是在講 C++ 的文法。

【endl 】是一個特別的符號,它代表【下一行】,當你叫子程式 cout 輸出這個符號的時候, 它會使顯示器的游標跳到下一行,所以下一次你再輸出的時候,新的文字就會顯現在下面新的一行。

2012-04-21 06:42:26 補充:
2012-04-19 11:18 pm
endl is a special symbol means end of a line=to end a life= end eternal =llllll-llllll=endl.

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