Why does my girl not want me to take off her cloths?

2012-04-19 2:57 am
We have been doing it for the past week strait and a little while ago she wouldn't let me take of her cloths and i don't no why.
we still do other stuff but she just doesn't want to be naked for once.

回答 (12)

2012-04-19 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
She's probably just insecure like most girls, she can be drop dead gorgeous but won't think so, make her feel beautiful and tell her you like her for her and your in there like swim wear
2012-04-19 10:03 am
How old are you? I cannot understand why you would write this on answers. Ever tried just asking? Maybe she just didn't want to.
2012-04-19 10:02 am
insecure. she has to be REALLY comfortable with you to get naked and has to be REALLY comfortable in her own skin.
2012-04-19 10:01 am
A girl needs her privacy. Sometimes she doesn't wish to show her body and give it up so easily. e patient and more calm with her. If you seriously need some sexual release, touch yourself or something...
2012-04-19 10:00 am
Why is it that a lot of us guys are just full of lust these days?What happened to love?If she doesn't want to she doesn't want to!!!
參考: Coming from a 15 year olf motocross racer.
2012-04-19 10:00 am
she probably feels insecure ..tel her she beautiful nd sht and that she can feel safe in your arms then slip her shirt off and voila you see her naked but if she still dosent wnat to say okay
2012-04-19 10:06 am
It might have something to do with, NO GIRL ACTUALLY LIKES TO BE TREATED THAT WAY!!
Oh back to the question she is scared of your tiny dick
2012-04-19 10:01 am
This is definitely her saying that she feels uncomfortable around you. You might want to talk to her about what you can do to gain her trust. Make her feel good about herself.
2012-04-19 10:01 am
is she on her period duhh remember us girls get those!!!!!!!!!! also maybe she is feeling insecure try telling her at random how beautiful-Hot you think she is..
2012-04-19 10:00 am
its normal maybe she is shy or maybe she is chubby and dont want u to see her faty or maybe she has stretchamarks all over just talk to her tell her .i mean we are not perfect at all

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