Can fear open someone psychic abilities?

2012-04-18 9:20 pm
I have a friend that thinks she psychic when she wasn't a month ago because we saw this scary movie (i don't remember wants the name of it...but its was pretty freaky. I got actually a little freaked out and i never get scared of nothing.) anyway it was about some little boy that was psychic and he sees died ppl. (the movie wasn't the six sense) but my friend got REALLY scared like she cried after the movie because she got so scared. she got a little paranoid for a month or two but now she's fine. but this past month shes says she thinks she's psychic and i just said that she being over dramatic she's ok. But she says she sees aura? but i think shes seeing stuff because shes haven't been sleeping very well after we watch the movie since the movie shes sleeping about 3-5 hours a night.

but she thinks that her fear, her being sOO scared open her psychic abilities (i'm not going to lie i think shes just being over dramatic) but ehhh because i read that u can open your abilities by like having a near dead experience i think thats what you call it. Ummmm so it has to take alot to open up someone abilities if it takes someone to almost die? i also have a friend whos actually trying to open his abilities he just now like "master" how to see ppl aura and he told me it was pretty hard for him.

but anyway yeah, Can someone psychic abilities open by fear??

回答 (8)

2012-04-18 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Everyone has the sixth sense. When we are afraid the animal part of our brain (at the back) takes over, and yes you can read your environment as well as an animal can, and you can smell evil.
It is not the type of psyhic ability that is directed at future readings. If it goes on long enough, then yes the brain can open up channels and develop naturally.
There are case studies on this if you want to look them up, under psychology/psychiatry/ autism etc
參考: psych psychic
2012-04-18 11:37 pm
No, psychic powers aren't real. Despite millions of dollars in prize money, no one has ever been able to prove they had any psychic ability. It sounds like you guys are too young to be watching scary movies if they make you cry and you can't tell fantasy from reality.
2012-04-19 12:42 am
Hi Lily ! Yes, an intense fear or near dead experience can open one psychic abilities. A human body have a natural defence machanism built in. When our bodies face danger , a section of our brain will activate to defence against fear or danger. ie. In a normal situation you will not be able to jump a 2 meters high fence, but when you're running for your live , you can. This is because your brain automatically release a substain called adrenalynn. This natural drug help your mind to calm so your body can act effectively and it's also boose up your energy.

In your friend case, probally her brain trigger a psychic ability , so she can sense danger ahead of her which help her to defence for herself.

2 years ago, my live reach to lowest point . I want to give up my live, but I was saved by an Archangel Angel named Ariel . Now my life change forever. I 'm now have psychic abilities too. I can read , numbers, patterns, names CODES and Fung Shui as well. By looking at the name or a person personality ,I can tell the name of that person Guardian Angel. I also can sense bad people meters away from me. I believe God give me this pyschic abilities so I can protect myself. I can talk to Angels and GOD himself. I can request an Angel to help other people in need through prayer. And I can send my Angelic Energy within my body to other people as well . Even through the internet !!

Have a nice day !

sphere...........Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !

" Great power comes with great responsibilities"
參考: GOD is for REAL!!
2012-04-19 12:30 am
When people who are in dangerous situations can open up their supernatural abilities. Fear can trigger it. The common supernatural ability that is inherent in all of us is intuition. It functions as an extra sensory perception, reflexive movement, and knowledge without experience. Biologists and evolutionists call it instinct. There are cases where people exhibit supernatural feats such as lifting a car to save someone underneath it.
2012-04-18 9:54 pm
It could be all in her head because the idea was put in her head from the movie and the lack of sleep. Although if she describes the auras in accurate detail then she could have awakened it from the intense fear she had for so long. Sometimes abilities like that awaken from nowhere and sometimes they disappear suddenly.
2012-04-19 1:31 am
No I have seen spirits when I was full of fear, and seen them while being in a calm state, I can even see them while asleep when they come near as my inner eye opens to see them.......this is what happens to sensitive people, it's something to do with the spirit that triggers the inner eye same as the third eye to open........even if your not sensitive a spirit or ghost can attach itself to one or more of your senses to help you to see, smell, feel, hear, or whatever how it wants you to know that it's there.
2012-04-18 11:23 pm
yes it is possible but it rarly happens
2012-04-18 9:37 pm
Yes it awakens kundalini

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