flame test...

2012-04-19 6:10 am
Why is the flame colour of potassium red when viewed through a piece of cobalt glass? The cobalt glass should filter off the yellow light of sodium ion only. How come it can filter off the blue colour in a lilac flame so that only red light is left?


回答 (1)

2012-04-28 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Simple. The "lilac" flame given by potassium is not purely lilac / violet. It's a mixture of different wavelengths, which mix up to give you the perception of "lilac".

Notice that with a blue glass, it's NOT the blue light being filtered; it's its complementary color, i.e. yellow, being filtered. Light with different colors will be affected in lesser extent, such as red, blue and violet in this case. Red & Blue mixes to give you a perception of lilac.

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