bio question quick!

2012-04-18 9:07 am
篩管細胞及伴細胞 的結構、特徵和FUNCTION上的關係?

回答 (2)

2012-04-19 1:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
於考試, 回答時必須針對兩者的關係

Seive tube cells have end walls with many pores (sieve plate)
=> to enhance the trasport of organic nutrients from cell to cells
Seive tube cells have cytoplasm without nucleus
=> reduce the resistance to transport organic nutrients

Companion cells have both cytoplasm and nucleus
=> maintain the metabolic activities of sieve tube cells to trasport organic nutrients

Further information:
Carbohydrates transported through phloem is in the form of surcrose to minimize the osmotic effect.

Are you studying in English or chinese?
If u need translation into Chinese, feel free to inform me.

2012-04-21 09:51:42 補充:
1. 有篩板於細胞的兩端
- 促進有機物的運輸
2. 有細胞質卻沒有細胞核

-1. 有細胞質與細胞核
- 維持篩管細胞的代謝活動以運輸有機物
參考: My knowledge
2012-04-18 11:14 am

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