military leadership training for officer?

2012-04-18 1:51 am
Can someone please describe a little about the leadership training in the military for an officer? how is that different from an enlistment?

回答 (3)

2012-04-18 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Basic training for enlisted focuses on following orders and pushing you to your physical and mental limit. Officer training on the other hand is focused on leading, and leading under extreme levels of physical and mental stress.

Each branch has their own take on how to train their officers. The Army and Marines focus on combat situations since this is primarily what they do. The AF and Navy instead focus on non-combat situations. While it may not make sense at first to train leadership using drill and ceremony (especially since you probably will never march again), but the same tenants are there: attention to detail, taking responsibility, strategy, etc.
參考: AF Officer/Married to Army Officer
2012-04-18 9:02 am
to be an officer in the military...basically you haveto go to college earn whatever degree it is that you want an then join the military. im not 4 sure on this but i think it has to be a minimum of 2 years completed.
2012-04-18 8:55 am
It is MUCH more difficult than basic training. You can get up to as little as 4 hours a night making your weekend sleep only around 7-8 hours. Mornings start early with very long marches up to 10 miles. You have to be able to run around a 6min mile and there is so much more. Also, if you don't do well for 1-2 trainings, they will wait till right before graduation to kick you out. And you must able to lead everyone.
參考: Dad went through it. Heard his experiences.

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