請幫忙翻譯成英文, 謝..! 急 !

2012-04-18 6:58 am
收到你的來貨, 請問你在出貨之前是否有檢查過才交給我司 ? 這批的質料很差 ? (請見附件), 我司正在全面檢查, 會再確認退貨的數量給你.

另cc1833 是 US139 件, 訂單上是寫明要訂珠片, 但我們收到的貨是沒有訂珠片 (請見附图) , 所以現在的貨價是US89 件, 請發DEBIT NOTE 給我們, 謝

回答 (1)

2012-04-18 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We have received your delivered goods. We wondered if you had inspected the goods before shipping them to us. This batch of material is of very poor quality (please see attachment). We are now carrying out a full inspection and will confirm the quantity of returned goods to you in due course.

Furthermore, we have specified in our purchase order that the product cc1833, of unit price US139, is to be sewn sequins on. However, there are no sequins sewn on the received products (please see attached photo). Therefore, we will only pay with the unit price of US89. Please send us the Debit Note accordingly.


2012-04-18 09:59:35 補充:
correction: We wonder ... (use present tense)

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