
2012-04-17 6:10 pm
《Touch of Love》 裡面第7首歌All I Ask 好想找這個首來聽,但,我之前買了一張,但因南北搬來搬去的,好多張cd不見了,現在想回味這首歌,但苦無方法能得到,不知有沒有大大可以分享這首歌給小弟呢,我聽了學友的歌20幾年,就是這一首無法在得到,鳴鳴,望有大大能幫幫小弟這個忙,謝謝。可以提供方法給我嗎??

回答 (3)

2012-04-18 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案

《張學友 - All I Ask 》


I'm not asking you to change
Who you are, where you're going
I'm not asking you to lose.... control
I'm not asking for the world Or you to keep it spinning
Just that you'll be the one receiving
All this lovin' that I'm giving

All I ask is that you love me In my own special way
Yet that I'm the one who holds you
Where there's nothing left to say
All I ask is that you need me More than anybody else
That you're there for me to turn to
When I'm lost myself All I ask of you, all I ask of you
Is that you love me When I think of all the things
We will do when we're together Say a little prayer for love
I won't take up all your time
Just give me all your precious moments Baby open your arms
Let me fill them with emotion

All I ask is that you love me In my own special way
Yet that I'm the one who holds you Where there's nothing left to say
All I ask is that you need me More than anybody else
That you're there for me to turn to When I'm lost myself
All I ask of you, all I ask of you Is that you love me
That you love me I believe, I believe, I believe
You were meant for me Let you be, let you breathe, let you fly
'Cos you come right back to me
You come right back to me baby
All I ask is that you love me In my own special way
Yet that I'm the one who holds you Where there's nothing left to say
All I ask is that you need me More than anybody else
That you're there for me to turn to When I'm lost myself
All I ask of you, all I ask of you Is that you love me
That you love me Tell me Do you love me?
Do you love me?




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2016-11-03 12:31 pm
ust that you'll be the one receiving
All this lovin' that I'm giving

All I ask is that you love me In my own special way
Yet that I'm the one who holds you
Where there's nothing left to say
All I ask is that you need me More than anybody else
That you're there for me to turn to
When I'm lost myself All I ask of you, all I ask of you
Is that you love me When I think of all the things
We will do when we're together Say a little prayer for love
I won't take up all your time
Just give me all your precious moments Baby open your arms
Let me fill them with emotion

【出售】 張學友演唱會2016 !安心搶購!即上 Ticketbuynow

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