should i file tax extention request?

2012-04-16 8:39 pm
i cant pay my due $7000 for a month or two. we are buying a house in december and i dont want a ding on my credit report from IRS. should i just file for extention and then finish and file and pay in 2 months from now? or should i just file now and send them $500 now and the rest in 2 months? but in this last case wont they file a lien against me on my credit report?

please this concerns my credit rating only (i dont care about penaltys) what if i file for extension and say my taxes should be $500 and pay that now. then in 1-2 months when i have the rest i can finish my tax return and pay the full amount + whatever. is there some kind of super penalty for saying i should pay $500 when it turns out to be $7000? other then the .5%/month?

回答 (4)

2012-04-16 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the extension is only for filing purposes, not for paying
if you owe any money and cannot pay it with the 4868, when you do file you will have a penalty and interest daily until it is paid
2016-10-20 12:26 pm
so that you curiously enter some incorrect assistance some the position into the tax application at a even as even as you've been filling out lots of the mandatory assistance for that purpose and time on your life. So once you won't be able to maximum acceptable the blunders this can be same ingredient because the go back hasn't ever been filled out and filed ok. so that you ought to go with to attempt to do it back making use of yet another tax software otherwise print 2 copies in case your are confident the carried out 1040 earnings tax go back is genuine at the moment and signal a million of the copies to be mailed to the most acceptable IRS handle for processing at the moment in the course of the 2013 tax filing season for this purpose and time on your life. desire that you hit upon the above enclosed assistance sensible. 04/17/2013
2012-04-16 9:11 pm
As long as you pay what is due promptly (and "in 2 months" is promptly), there will be no negative effects on your credit report and the IRS will not file a lien. Go ahead and file now paying what you can. In a month or two you will get a bill from the IRS. Pay your balance due at that time and you'll be fine.
2012-04-16 8:56 pm
An extension does NOT give you extra time to pay, only extra time to FILE.

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