a friend of mine was arrested?

2012-04-16 12:46 pm
for a non job related felony and was fired from his job, he was in jail for 45 days. he thinks he can collect unemployment (this is in nevada), can he?

回答 (4)

2012-04-16 1:22 pm
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Nope, the company terminated him for failure to report to work (whatever the reason he was not there)

It was not the company's fault he was arrested, they had nothing to do with it.

If this was the case, they would have to pay people who got out of prison unemployment benefits too.

He will be denied any unemployment in this case
2012-04-16 8:08 pm
Generally, in Nevada you have to have lost your job through no fault of your own in order to collect unemployment.

In most cases, this means that if you get fired, you cannot collect unemployment benefits.

If you get fired from your job, you should go ahead and apply for unemployment benefits, because there are some cases where you can be fired from your job and still get benefits.

If you feel like you were fired unfairly, or there were extenuating circumstances, be sure to tell your unemployment counselor about them. If your unemployment application is denied because you were fired, you also have the right to appeal the decision.
參考: Police Officer +30 years
2012-04-16 7:51 pm
The laws vary from state to state (and I'm not 100% sure about Nevada) but in most states you cannot collect unemployment if you miss work because you're in jail. Employers have the right to fire you if you don't show up for work -- job abandonment -- and he can't claim circumstances beyond his control. If he was arrested, the police had to have enough evidence to convince a judge to swear out a warrant for his arrest.
參考: I've been a paralegal for 20 years
2012-04-16 7:50 pm
No Nevada but maybe in Calif

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