中翻譯英~急~ 15點

2012-04-16 4:29 pm
李生, 我們用的物流公司是ABC company, 今天會送5部電話,10部電腦到你的學校. 煩請告以下地址是否可送貨給你?

回答 (6)

2012-04-17 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
李生, 我們用的物流公司是ABC company, 今天會送5部電話,10部電腦到你的學校. 煩請告以下地址是否可送貨給你?
Dear Mr. Lee,
We are going to send five sets of telephones and ten sets of computers to your school today via the ABC logistic company. Shall we send them to the following address ?
(Write address here).

2012-04-17 12:38:29 補充:
Shall we still send them to the following address ? If not, let us know right away.
(Write address here )
2012-04-19 8:17 am
My Dear Mr. Lee,
We, the ABC Logistic Company, will deliver five telephones and ten computers to your school today. Please kindly confirm whether the following address is good for our usage.

Address in question: xxxxxxxSchool xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

2012-04-17 1:57 am
Gray, hope can help you!!!

Mr. Lee* logistics company, we use the ABC company, today will be sent 5 phones, 10 computers to your school, please report the following addresswhether delivery to you?

留意:*李可以用Li or Lee,都可以
參考: By myself
2012-04-17 1:04 am
Date: xxxxx


Dear Mr Lee,

Our Logistic company is ABC Compamy. We will deliver the following items

5 sets of telephone
10 sets of computer

to your school today.

Please kindly adivse if the address is correct for delivery.


Thanks and look forward to having your reply.

Best regards,
2012-04-16 7:52 pm
Dear Mr Lee,

We are hiring ABC Company as our logistic service provider. They will deliver 5 sets of telephone and 10 sets of computer system to your school. Please advise for the delivery location and the receiver for the goods accordingly.
2012-04-16 5:21 pm
Dear Mr Lee

We are using the logistics ABC company. They will deliver 5 sets of telephone and 10 sets of computer to your school today. Kindly reconfirm your address as follows:

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