SS United States Tours?

2012-04-15 6:26 pm
Can you tour the SS United States? .

回答 (5)

2012-04-17 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
no, you cannot board the ship. It is in a very bad state of disrepair. The ship's website has a good virtual tour.
2013-10-15 2:27 am
Your quite the asshole aren't you I see nobody ever taught u any manners you know nothing about my situation so instead of you trying to tell me what should or shouldn't have been done know what the hell your talking about and please for everyone sake especially the poor people that has to deal with your very judgmental *** on a daily basis grow the hell up
2016-08-02 5:06 am
2013-12-30 2:07 am
I couldn't quite answer your question on my board but....I get rental assistance because it is like a benefit provided by my landlord for residents who are low income or who only make minimum's helpful
參考: I get rental assistance
2012-04-16 10:35 pm

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