(20點) 美國副學士回港升讀高級文憑

2012-04-16 4:26 am
只是Associate Degree of Arts and Humanities
如果我考慮回港升學, 我可有資格報讀各大院校, 例如VTC和CUSCS的高級文憑課程, 作另一出路?

另外, 副學士是等同哪一級的學歷?


回答 (4)

2012-04-16 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果我考慮回港升學, 我可有資格報讀各大院校, 例如VTC和CUSCS的高級文憑課程, 作另一出路?

- Eligible for admission to bachelor degree programmes "for holders of an associate degree or higher diploma"

- e.g. "A full-time day programme normally completed in 2 years"

- "Students with associate degree/higher diploma qualifications will normally be admitted directly into the second year of study and complete the programme in two years."

- "To be eligible for admission, a candidate should hold a Higher Diploma/ Associate Degree ..... or a relevant qualification from other recognized institutions. Candidates who possess equivalent qualifications are to be assessed by the Admission Committee on a case-by-case basis."

- Majors include: Creative Writing for Film, Television, and New Media, Liberal and Cultural Studies, Psychology, Social Policy, Integrated Communication Management, and Sport and Recreation Leadership

另外, 副學士是等同哪一級的學歷?


第四級 高級文憑、副學士"


2012-04-16 09:03:20 補充:
Alternative suggestions:

1. Top-up degree programmes, School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE)

Curriculum: Accounting & Finance, Business & Management, Applied Science, Information Technology, Design, Engineering, Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, and Chinese Medicinal Pharmaceutics

2012-04-16 09:07:29 補充:

2012-04-16 09:08:24 補充:

2012-04-16 09:22:44 補充:
2. Top-up undergraduate degree programs for Associate Degree and Higher Diploma graduates, CUSCS

- Business, Accounting, Design, Creative Arts, Media and Communication


2012-04-19 00:42:28 補充:
N.B. Bachelor of Social Sciences in Integrated Communication Management programme, HKBU

"Supported by the Department of Communication Studies, which houses the first and most comprehensive advertising and public relations programme in Hong Kong"

2012-04-19 00:43:13 補充:

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media


2012-04-24 01:17:58 補充:
2012-04-21 6:25 pm
據我了解在香港北角有一所美國大學的分校,如果你有Associate Degree的學歷,你可直接做credit transfer 可能最多讀二年就可大學畢業,而且這間院校並非一般私校,而直接是美國分校,所以畢業生可升讀本地八大院校的碩士課程,具體資料你可瀏覽:www.uiu.edu.hk 亦可向有關職員查詢:[email protected] 希望這些資料可以有用啦
2012-04-18 12:40 am
無major是沒有影響的, 最影響你入讀是你的GPA, 美國cc入返本地大學一般要GPA 3.3 or above機會才大啲。

2012-04-16 12:08 pm
In theory, you are not qualified for High Dip.

Associate Degree in fact is a higher level education qualification than High Dip.

So going High Dip. means you are going backward.

2012-04-17 02:53:05 補充:
Then it is better for you to re-visit your decision for graduation.

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