Why there isn't an "a" before the word "girl" in that sentence?

2012-04-14 5:05 pm

There is a sentence in the right-hand corner: Girl inflating a red balloon by blowing into it.
Why there isn't an "a" before the word "girl" in that sentence?


回答 (4)

2012-04-14 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well actually you are indeed correct there should be an "A" in the beginning of that sentence, if it were following an idea of some sort. In this case it is a description to the picture. There is only one girl, so "A girl" would refer to any girl, but "Girl" is being referenced in that picture since she's the only girl.
2012-04-14 5:06 pm
Because its not a sentence, they're just showing you what is happening
2012-04-14 5:18 pm
To be grammatically correct you shouldn't start a sentence with a preposition.
2012-04-14 6:05 pm
I agree with the above posters, and want to add that captions on photos are often fragments like that. It's a convention. It is probably to make the sentence shorter so it fits easily under a photo and can be quickly read.
參考: American

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