Should i lighten my hair to compliment my pale skin?

2012-04-13 12:21 pm
Basically, i have pale skin, dark brown hair and greeny/blue eyes. I don't want my dark hair to be washing me out, although i do have naturally red lips and kind of rosy cheeks. I was wondering if a lighter hair colour would make me look less pale. Everyone seems to say that lighter hair colours compliment pale skin better, but maybe the contrast of dark hair suits me?? I was thinking i could get highlights, like a caramel colour, but apparantly that's supposed to suit a warm skin tone and i'm finding it hard to see what skin tone i have. I know most fair skinned people have cool tones but i seem to have quite a bit of warmth to my skin and a golden tinge to my hair, then again my veins are blue which indicates a cool skin tone!! I keep getting mixed answers of cool and warm. I need some suggestions, and if you reckon i should get highlights or go lighter, can you suggest a good box kit (don't wanna go to the salon, i'm only 14 and it's expensive)?

Thanks so much fo any advice :)

um i know that the colour of your veins don't change depending on your skin tone, i mean that despite the fact everyone's veins are blue when you have a warm skin tone the veins appear more green as you view them through your skin which has yellow tones (fiy yellow+blue=green)! I know what i'm talking about, i'm not an idiot thanks xx

回答 (6)

2012-04-13 12:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Omg that description could match to me too! I personally haven't dyed it cos I like the contrast and having an unusual complection, but you can do as you please!
2012-04-13 12:28 pm
Probably but I think dark hair and fair skin is utterly beautiful. I dyed my hair black a while ago, I'm pretty pale myself and 4 of my friends said I look like Snow White with piercings :PP that made my day.
But do what you please. One day I plan on bleaching my hair and then toning it white. Don't worry on what other people think is going to compliment you, get what YOU want<3 Whatever makes you happy, be you. If your hair is really dark, then I really suggest going to a salon. If you're super determined, try going to Sally's Beauty Supply and asking for a good bleach for highlights. I use the brand Ion and/or manic panic for my hair color, I've never bleached at home. If you get a bleach and your hair turns kinda brassy/orange, I can suggest a good toner would be Manic Panic Virgin Snow. ion might have a toner too. YOU WILL need to tone the highlights you do to a blonde. When you bleach, it will either turn orange/brass/gold or red-gold, so unless you want any of those colors, get a toner. Also to maintain the color keep toning, don't re-bleach. Purple or blue tint shampoo and conditioner helps tone bleached hair so that would be good to get some if you can. I've heard silver tint is good too, but when I've had my hair bleached I always used purple tint. <3 Also when you bleach it really damages your hair, after you bleach it try getting coconut oil and putting that on your hair once or twice a week for a few hours, it's VERY helpful for the hair. Deep conditioning once/twice a week is really good for the hair. Remember do not get the oil or deep conditioner on your scalp or you'll break out in acne lol. Anyway, good luck!
2017-02-26 1:51 am
I think blonde hair is sexiest, but brown hair can become really sexy too. Black hair is actually never sexy. It's just really dull and boring and flatters few constitution. Blonde hair looks best with glowing blue eyes.
2017-01-29 3:44 am
I privately think Black hair and Brown sight are more attractive on men
2016-04-23 5:33 am
Homemade skin whitening products are by far the cheapest and safest solution to the brown spots which trouble you so much. Read here

They are very effective and at the same nurture the skin, so that you will not only have a whiter skin, but a healthier one too.

Each and every person wants a clean and radiant skin. Some spend fortunes on cosmetic products that will lighten the skin and remove all the imperfections, others spend their money on esthetic operations in the hope that their skin will look perfect. Lastly, there are people trying to fake a healthy skin by using all kinds of makeup that will cover the imperfections and leave the impression that the skin is healthy and has no scars, wrinkles or spots.

All these people are looking for a way through which they can make their skin look good. Yet, what they have not taken into consideration is the power of natural ingredients. Fruits, vegetables and products coming from animals are great sources of anti-oxidants and are rich in substances which can whiten the skin, moisturize it, attenuate the fine lines and wrinkles and give it elasticity.
2016-04-13 4:44 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

Dont go lighter. Dark hair colours go with pale skin. DONT CHOOSE BLACK THOUGH!!!!!!! It might look good on your skin i don't know but don't go with it just incase....Maybe red or burgandy or puurple (dark puurple) LOL From Charlie LOL the angel xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2015-08-14 7:57 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Should i lighten my hair to compliment my pale skin?
Basically, i have pale skin, dark brown hair and greeny/blue eyes. I don&#39;t want my dark hair to be washing me out, although i do have naturally red lips and kind of rosy cheeks. I was wondering if a lighter hair colour would make me look less pale. Everyone seems to say that lighter hair...
參考: lighten hair compliment pale skin:
2015-01-29 6:45 am
Many people strive to attain lighter, brighter, healthier-looking skin. Learning to properly care for your skin on a day-to-day basis will help your skin stay light and tight, while more substantial and scientifically-proven lightening products are also widely available. In my opinion this is the best method
2012-04-13 12:30 pm
actually darker hair can help bring out a light face but it also really depends on your face shape. go look up some hair style pics and find your face shape and see what would look best. even ask your hair stylist for advice as well.
2012-04-13 12:30 pm
I would try loreal hair color in a shade of strawberry blonde or auburn. Seems to fit perfectly with ur light colour eyes and pale skin and gives a twist then a typical blonde shade or the brown hair.
2012-04-13 12:35 pm
the colour of your veins do NOT indicate your skin tone...
critisism aside, without a picture of yourself i cant really tell what colour would suit you best, but from the discription, maybe you should go 1 or 2 shades lighter than your natural hair tone. but because you have naturally dark hair you will have to have your hair bleached (aka lightened) to do this, which i reccomend getting done at a salon instead of going for the cheaper option and buying it off the shelf as bleach can cause both allergic reaction, hair disintigration and respiratory complications, also a real hairdresser will probably be able to reccomend better treatment and will be able to figure out your correct and real skin tone. it may be expensive, but i myself, would rather spend the money on having my hair done correctly rather than messing it up by doing it myself if i had no salon experience. but please bare in mind that if you do go to the salon to have this done, most hairdressers do not reccomend bleaching your hair. why this is, i dont know ..... im only a student
參考: trainee hairdresser

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