Why are the players in the Ice Hockey game allowed to fight in the game?

2012-04-12 6:23 pm
This is the only sport in the world that seems to tolerate its players to fight without a serious penalty. It does not make sense to me. What is the rationale behind

回答 (3)

2012-04-12 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Only sport in the world? How about boxing, UFC, wrestling.....

Ironically, injuries in hockey go down when you allow fighting. I could explain it to you, but don't think you really want an answer. But right now, fewer fights than ever in the sport history, and more injuries as well as longer recovery times than ever.

You could slash a guy in the hand hard enough to break it and get a 2 minute penalty, if not completely a missed call in the fast game. While 2 people who agree to fight get 5 minutes and both aren't that injured. So, the rules against fighting in the sport seem to stack up against fighting.

Feel free to keep watching boring basketball though.
2012-04-13 1:35 am
There is a penalty for fighting.
2012-04-13 1:25 am
Money is the rationale. Bloodthirsty fans expect violence.

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