
2012-04-13 1:34 am
我讀緊foundation..剛剛完左first term,同埋完成左UCAS application.所以想問D有關大學問題。希望你可以幫幫忙...
1. 我完左first term之後..睇到個成績meet 唔到大學個要求,咁仲有冇機會收?
(CIT : 60%...大學收each module not less than 65%)
(即使有pre-sessional course 都冇問題)

2. 我係諗住修Accounting and Finance,同埋我簡左
因為好多排行榜都包括有好多因素,我正係想睇科目排行... (拎左Manchester and Liverpool offer)

3.如果大學係UCAS到decline左我..咁我有番其他學歷證明(E.G. IELTS 符合條件)


回答 (1)

2012-04-13 7:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. 我完左first term之後..睇到個成績meet 唔到大學個要求,咁仲有冇機會收? (CIT : 60%...大學收each module not less than 65%) (即使有pre-sessional course 都冇問題)

>> 如果你係全部科都係有65% 以上, 只係CIT 有問題既話,(provided 你CIT 唔係話你大學既major), 咁你係可以試下同佢地講 (admission department), 如果你有reason 係令到你呢份paper 考得唔好, 如病左咁, 亦可以同佢地講既, 咁睇下呢個情況可唔可以有另外既consideration 既.

2. 我係諗住修Accounting and Finance,同埋我簡左
Manchester,Essex,York,Sheffield,Liverpool,想睇下到底點排先後好.. 因為好多排行榜都包括有好多因素,我正係想睇科目排行... (拎左Manchester and Liverpool offer)

>> 假設你有哂呢5間大學既offer, 我會排manchester -> york --> liverpool --> sheffield --> essex, 但如果只係得2間, 我會排manchester 先, 因為係比較好d 既. 佢係hk 既名氣, overall 等等都係比較好.

3.如果大學係UCAS到decline左我..咁我有番其他學歷證明(E.G. IELTS 符合條件) 佢地會唔會reconsider???

>> 唔會, 因為佢地reject 你, 唔係因為你冇ielts, 如果佢地要你有考ielts, 佢地會出offer 話你ielts 要幾多分, 但如果你地已經reject 左你,再send 野過去, 木4會都係唔係好高, 同埋你已經有manchester 同liverpool 既offer, 所以已經可以make decision了.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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