
2012-04-12 9:09 pm
我之前sent 過email 問客有張發票未找數

個客覆返Could you please send us a copy of the invoice and we will forward to the relevant department for approval


回答 (7)

2012-04-12 9:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

你email問客有張發票未找數 ,個,客覆返Could you please send us a copy of the invoice and we will forward to the relevant department for approval,

如果有, 而家想再問返客究竟張單跟進成點,同幾時會找數 , 英文寫:
Since I resent a copy of the invoice to you, has your relevant department approved its payment? Please advise us whether you will settle the unpaid invoice.
如果無, 而家想再問返客究竟張單跟進成點,同幾時會找數 , 英文寫:
I am sending you a copy of the invoice as requested in your last email. Please forward it to your relevant department for their approval and early settlement, and advise us the payment date as soon as possible.

2012-04-12 14:22:41 補充:
你再俾發票副本佢,而家想再問返客究竟張單跟進成點,同幾時會找數 , 英文新寫法:
In reply to your email request, I have resent a copy of the invoice to you (on XX). Has your relevant department approved its payment yet? Please advise us when will you settle the unpaid invoice. Thank you.
2016-03-21 12:17 pm
2012-04-13 9:16 pm
Please advise the progress of the payment.

What will the settlement be expected
參考: 我
2012-04-13 3:49 pm
Please advise the progress of the payment.

What will the settlement be expected

This is the answer
2012-04-12 11:58 pm
個客覆返Could you please send us a copy of the invoice and we will forward to the relevant department for approval


What happen to the invoice I resent you last time ? When are you going to pay me ? Thank.
2012-04-12 11:57 pm

Please advise the progress of the payment.

What will the settlement be expected 記住這是很熟來往的客戶或對口公司才可省去禮貌的前言和全句句式寫法。

2012-04-12 9:16 pm
Could you please send us a copy of the invoice and we will forward to the relevant department for approval


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