
2012-04-12 8:58 pm
想知道USS Missouri BB-63 出航時的配樂是哪首歌!!

回答 (3)

2012-04-13 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
•"Angels with Dirty Faces"
Performed by Sugababes
2012-04-20 3:46 pm
1.First Transmission [3:17]2.The Art of War [4:31]3.Full Attack [3:53]4.You're Going to the Navy [1:01]5.The Beacon Project [5:07]6.Objects Make Impact [4:38]7.First Contact Part 1 [1:51]8.First Contact Part 2 [2:08]9.It's Your Ship Now [4:04]10.Shredders [4:05]11.Regents Are On the Mainland [2:43]12.Trying to Communicate [3:15]13.Water Displacement [2:18]14.Buoy Grid Battle [3:02]15.USS John Paul Jones [2:29]16.We Have a Battleship [2:49]17.Somebody's Gonna Kiss the Donkey [4:33]18.Super Battle - Tom Morello [1:32]19.Thug Fight - Tom Morello [3:29]20.Battle On Land and Sea [2:48]21.Silver Star [1:54]22.The Aliens [4:17]23.Planet G [3:59]24.Hopper [3:15]Have questions about the music in this movie? Visit the Battleship soundtrackpage @ the SoundtrackINFO project
參考: 超級戰艦原聲帶
2012-04-13 8:10 pm
€€€€€€{{{{{{{{{€€€€€€€ 後幾題.超級戰艦劇情 意見欄 參閱 €€€€€€€€€}}}}}}}}}}}]€€€€€€€€0

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