
2012-04-12 5:19 am
1. 三份報告A、B和C,A裡item X的金額應peter要求由10元改為20元,要求tom幫忙更正B裡的item X,但又需註明C也會同時進行更改。應如何要求對方?
Please assist us to revise item X in B report according to Peter's request, and will be updated in C report.
感覺最後一句有問題,請幫忙修正。2. as per與according to有沒有分別?3. by using是否與with有相同意思且可被取代使用?

回答 (2)

2012-04-12 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Hello Tom would you be kind enough to help me to amend the figure in Item X of my A report which should read $20 instead of $10 as being requested by Peter. And the same amendment should apply to my B and C reports, thank you very much.
2. as per is used to some document attached to the Text; while according to is used to show the source of information coming from;
3. by using is used to express methods or technique applied; while with is sometimes having the same meaning.
2012-04-12 9:02 am
I agree with 001 the same response that (1) hello Tam,(2)as per=according to,(3) by using=with same method applied.

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