
2012-04-12 12:46 am



回答 (3)

2012-04-12 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
You can leave more than 6 months as you want, providing you have a valid re-entry permit (Use I-131 to apply).

Your logic is simple - money. So simply explain your intend for the re-entry permit.

CBP can in fact refer any legal immigrants to Executive Office of Immigration Review (aka Immmigration Judge) to determine if they are still fit to be a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) or not, regardless their length of departure. This can still happen even you have prior approval (from the re-entry permit).

In simple way - harassment from CBP is basically unavoidable if they choose to pick you.

However, what you can do is construct your defense, such as:
- Showing your effort for local employment
- Paying taxes
- Maintain tiers with the U.S.
- Provide a copy of the I-131 application (Remember you should have disclosed your intention to USCIS in theory)

These are all the elements that a judge will look at when CBP throw you to them.

2012-04-20 14:55:18 補充:
In theory, one time.

The first time you apply, USCIS will issue a 2-year re-entry permit, which is usually issued without question asked.

2012-04-20 14:56:19 補充:
After the first one has expired, USCIS will issue a 1-year re-entry permit case by case. Without any compelling reasons, USCIS can in fact deny the application.

Also - the more you apply, the more diffculty you will face.
2012-04-12 7:06 am


永久居民離開美國及在海外逗留連續超過三百六十五天會有喪失身份的風險。如果他們想再成為美國永久居民,可能需要經歷整個申請和移民簽證程序。永久居民在離開美國前向美國公民及移民服務局 (USCIS) 取得回美證,可以在海外逗留不超過兩年。永久居民在美國境外居住時沒有申報所得稅,或在報稅單上宣稱 ‘非移民’ 者,可能會喪失身份。


如果你打算離開美國超過一年但少於兩年期間,就需要有回美證才可以入境。當遞交申請書 (I-131表格) 時,你一定要身處美國。USCIS會根據表格上的地址寄出回美證。你可以選擇要求將回美證寄到領事館。當收到回美證時,我們便會通知你,而你要親身在星期一和星期三(美國及本地假期休息),下午二時至四時,到領事館領取(不需預約)。在申請回美證未有定案前離開美國是不會影響申請。詳情請看USCIS網頁。查看在USCIS的回美證申請書狀況,請看USCIS - My Case Status 網頁.
2012-04-12 1:24 am

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