如果 I drink ...water~應該用the定a呢

2012-04-11 9:20 am
如標題問 I drink ...water 同a定the呢? 如果係a或the 又點解呢?

回答 (4)

2012-04-11 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
water基本上是不可數的東西,所以有會出現i drink a water的。
a cup/glass of water的a/the是指那件裝水的容器的。


I drink the water...
I drink the water from that natural spring.
I drink the water the villager offers me.
I drink the water from the well.

2012-04-11 10:05 pm
I drink water or I drink some water. Never use a water as water is uncountable noun.

We can say.

I drank some water at the party before I left.

I drink a glass of water.

I drink the water from the spring.= the water from = to tell where water comes from.
2012-04-11 8:16 pm
"water" is an uncountable noun, so you cannot put an indefinite article ("a" or "an") in front of it.

To say "a water" is absolutely wrong even in spoken English.

I drink water. (there is no need to use any article in this sentence)

However, you can use "the" to specify some more information about the water.
For example: I often drink the water from the tap.
2012-04-11 9:45 am
drink a water 大致上等於 drink a cup of water ->較口語化
經常會係對話中用到 但係文章中除非故事形式 否則唔會用到
例如 I briefly drank a water at the wedding party and left in a hurry.

**有時drink a water亦會指飲左一杯酒 -> 對亞洲人黎講係比較高階既口語用法,但一般係唔會咁用既,講既時候會用輕鬆隨意既口吻,否則唔自然

drink the water當中 "the" 發揮一個特定既作用
"the" = 指定既水
例如 I drank the water (he gave me). -> 我飲左佢比我個杯水
個"the" 係特定指向佢比我個杯 而唔係隨便既一杯水
參考: 自己有限既知識^_^

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