Did you know that Angels travel (fly) faster than the speed of light ?

2012-04-11 2:02 am
That's why they can act as Guardian Angels for thousands and millions of humans with the same Angel without any problems. And only take them a few seconds or minutes to fly from the Heaven to Earth.( That is the distance between the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy to Earth !). How do I know this ? Because I am one of them !!!

@DearCarl. You have gained yourself a place in heaven ! Congratulation my Dear Friend. @Thume516. And you claimed to yourself you have ever never lie before ! That automatically tell me you are a ........! What should GOD do with you ? I hope you will learn from your own mistakes. ( I don't need to read the Bible, because GOD already told me very things I needed to know !! )


@ Dear Raymond. I think you watch too much STAR TREK and Dr WHO.


@ Dear Arica. Thanks for your cute advises. I am NO smoke ! I am ONLY smart ! Hj ! I dont take pills either, as they designed for sickies !

回答 (8)

2012-04-11 2:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
To me i think it to the angel 30 seconds to fly from heaven to earth to open the grave of Jesus and bring him back to life.

i bet on earth angels literally teleport in a split second because of how fast they can travel. Can't wait till God brings his heaven and changes our sinful bodies to (as he said) to be "Like Angels"
參考: The Bible
2012-04-11 9:06 am
What you are telling us is that you are a tachyon.
Do you have any mass?
Do you interact with the Higgs Field?

And, above all, did you meet the Higgs boson?
(the not-yet-discovered particle with the controversial nickname)
2012-04-11 9:06 am
No you aren't. According to your history you asked a question a month ago explaining you want to learn about the bible to become a christian. Clearly you aren't an angel if you're relying on Yahoo Answers to study the bible.

Do you know what god does to liars? Eternal damnation.
2012-04-11 10:12 am
Isn't it just amazing what imaginary creatures can do?
2012-04-11 11:47 pm
I would suggest you stop smoking whatever that stuff is or taking those pills. Your brain is clearly being adversely affected. Just don't try flying off any tall buildings, or you may receive a sudden dose of reality!
2012-04-11 10:32 am
This "question" should be in the religion section, not science.
2012-04-11 9:04 am
that's really interesting... where did u hear that from? haha it reminds me of when someone asked my teacher if her dogs go to heaven and he said "well since animals don't have souls, they go directly to heaven!" haha :p
2012-04-11 9:21 am
What you just stated has no objective evidence.

"That is the distance between the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy to Earth !). How do I know this ? Because I am one of them !!!"

No it's not. Let's assume that heaven does exist and that it is somehow possible to get there. Because it is outside the universe and by definition has a completely different set of laws governing it it exists outside our space and time, therefore it would either be extremely far away or impossible to reach.

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