show fermentation is oxidation

2012-04-10 8:45 pm
how to show fermentation is oxidation in the view of O.N.?

i have not learnt the calculation of O.N. of organic substances

plz use this as example

C6H12O6 ----yeast--->2C2H5OH + 2CO2

回答 (3)

2012-04-10 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I guess you mean "fermentation of starch to make wine is an application of redox in daily life"
I think the problem you have is on the O.N. of C-atoms

First, for the oxidation numbers in C6H12O6.
Start from O,
O: except peroxide/superoxide/... ; it is -2
6 O-atoms mean total O.N. of O-atoms are -12
6C + 12H + 6O = 0
6C + 12H - 12 = 0
For H-atom, it is +1(unless when it is hydride it is -1)
So, 6C + 12 - 12 = 0
O.N. of C = 0

Second, for the oxidation numbers in C2H5OH,
Again..Start with O, it is -2
and H is +1,
2C + 5H + O + H = 0
2C + 5(+1) + (-2) + (+1) = 0
2C + 5 - 2 + 1 = 0
C = -2

Last, CO2
O = -2
C = +4

That means,
Carbon in glucose(O.N. = 0) ---> Carbon in ethanol(O.N. = -2) and Carbon in CO2(O.N. = +4)
Since it involves O.N. change,
This reaction is a redox reaction(also is disproportionation)

As starch (C6H12O6)n can undergo hydrolysis to form glucose C6H12O6
Fermentation of starch to make wine is actually:
1) Hydrolysis of starch (not redox)
2) Disproportination of glucose (redox)


2012-04-10 15:38:23 補充:
As starch (C6H12O6)n can undergo hydrolysis to form glucose C6H12O6
Fermentation of starch to make wine is actually:
1) Hydrolysis of starch (not redox)
2) Disproportination of glucose (redox)

So, it is redox in daily life


2012-04-10 17:50:31 補充:
Oops, starch should be (C6H10O5)n; thx for correcting me.

And something extra for the yeast: it contains an enzyme called zymase
參考: 黑白灰_唯物主義者
2012-04-11 1:25 am
Notice that only the common hexoses have formula of C6H12O6 ;
Starch has formula of (C6H10O5)n , coming from condensation of glucose / maltose with elimination of water molecules.
2012-04-10 9:45 pm
In the chain form of C6H12O6
You can find that there are H7,(OH)5,O and C6
Write down the O.N.:
C6 (14+) H7(7-) (OH)5 (5-) O(2-)

C2 (6+) H5(5-) (OH) (1-)
because the product is 2 C2H5OH,times the O.N. by 2:
12+ 10- 2-
In CO2
C(4+) O2 (4-)
times 2:
8+ 8-
add the O.N. of 2 C2H5OH and 2CO2 together:
C6(20+) H12(10-) O6(10-)

Considering the central atoms - Carbon
C6 originally is 14+ which increase to 20+
that means it is the process of losing electrons which is called oxidation.
Starch (C6H10O5)n+n(H2O)=>Glucose n(C6H12O6).In this process,we can know that the oxidation number of central atoms-carbon doesn't change.Thus,it is not oxidation or reduction.We know that fermentation of starch is oxidation so fermentation of starch is also oxidation.
About the first question,I'm not sure it is the correct method.You 'd better ask your teacher...

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