
2012-04-09 5:53 pm
1.wrong word:underline the wrong word and write the correction above it.
2.missing word:mark the poisition and interest the missing word above it.
3.extra word:cross out the extra word.Before I visit the zoo at Johore Bahru a few months ago, I had no idea how information a visit to a zoo might be. Although the zoo at Johore Hahru is not big, I found many kind of interesting animals and another creatures there. Lions, tigers and other animals moving about lazily in their cages. Some the animals appeared to be bored, and they took little interest in the visitors. The monkeys, however, showed its natural agility. Whenever they saw visitor, they ran towards him and begged something to eat. I was amused at their behavior. Most of them caught in Malaysia and their variety was amazing.

回答 (5)

2012-04-09 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Before I visited the zoo at Johore Bahru a few months ago, I had had no idea what about a visit to a zoo might be. Although the zoo at Johore Hahru is not big, I found many kinds of interesting animals and another creatures there. Lions, tigers and other animals were moving lazily in their cages. Some of them appeared to be bored and took little interest in the visitors. The monkeys, however, showed its natural agility. Whenever they saw a visitor, they ran towards him and begged something to eat. I was amused at their behavior. Most of them were caught in Malaysia and their variety was amazing.
2012-04-09 8:26 pm
2012-04-09 8:01 pm
001 和 002 答案有好多錯,小心!

2012-04-09 12:13:09 補充:
line 1 - visit
line 2 - information
line 3 - kind of, another, full stop should be after "creatures", add one word after there
line 4 - about, missing prep after some
line 5 - and 後面的 ,, in

2012-04-09 12:13:17 補充:
line 6 - its,
line 6 to 7 - visitor / him (if you use plural "visitors" then line 7 him has to change, but if you keep singular visitor, then, you will need to add an article. In my opinior, plural is better)
line 8 - caught (should be passive), before variety add words

2012-04-09 12:15:30 補充:
1, 2 and 3 are basic instructions of proofreading exercises
2012-04-09 7:30 pm
NB (1)wrong words need to be corrected.
------(2)Not interest, insert (verb) the missing word,
------(3)for extra words no need.
Before I 1.(visited) the zoo at Johore Bahru a few months ago,
how 1.(informative,adj. and 2. entertaining )
1. (other) creatures.
2.(were) moving
Some 2.(of) the animal
amused at their 1. (behaviour) means to be entertained.
2.(were) caught.
and their variety was 1. (amazingly adv. 2. to notice.)
We thank you for your prompt (1), (2), (3), of the ordered heading.

2012-04-09 12:06:40 補充:
To Makiyo's help,I visited a zoo at JohoreBahru at tip of Malaya few months ago,and I have had no idea how to start touring.Although it is not that big,yet I found lots of interesting animals and other creatures.
Then I found some lions,tigers and other animals round their cages so lazily and boring

2012-04-09 12:09:55 補充:
ly that made tourists uninteresting.However I was amazingly to find a varity of monkeys who were seen doing hide and seek in front of tourists,begging for food, and I was amused for a while.
參考: google's atlas of the world.
2012-04-09 6:56 pm
if i did what you said , it will be confused....
and im not sure if thats right....
u just have look

I visited a zoo at Johore Bahru in few months ago, I have no idea how to start visit the zoo. Although the zoo of the Johore Hahru is not that big, also I found some kind of interesting animals and some other creatures there. and I saw some lions, tigers and some other animals moving around their cages so lazily. and some animals is kind boring, so makes visitors not that interesting to them. inside the zoo, there got lot of different type of monkeys. when they saw the visitor, they will go be hide or in front of them begging for food. when I saw that, I was amused at them.
參考: my self ~(~3~)~

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