
2012-04-09 7:28 am
最近俾老師屈我,以為我抄功課,仲因為咁俾人降左個grade:(:(但我向來都唔抄人功課,想同佢澄清please help:(:(

I can swear that i ....我絕對沒抄功課,亦沒有俾人抄,如有人在我不知情底下抄我功課,我也是不想,因此我十分憤慨,我只想說明,我是個清白的!


回答 (5)

2012-04-09 9:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I should like to make an explicit statement on thecase of homework copying.
I swear I had never ever intended to copy anyone’shomework, neither had I approved anyone to copy my homework.
I cannot be sureif anyone copied my homework without my allowance since it is out of mycontrol.
Yet under no circumstances will I permit anyone to copy my homework. Idefinitely understand the seriousness of disobeying the rule so I dare not totry so.
I hope you can understand that I’m innocent and reconsider to give me a fair judgment.
Thank you.

參考: myself
2012-04-11 5:26 am
but I don't know how:'( I don't know who copy my homework either:(darn,I hate my classmates:(:(
2012-04-09 10:46 pm
If 2 people hand in 2 identical homework. Either A copies B or B copies A. To convince your teacher you are the victim, you need some proof. The other person who copy you must be inferior to you in that subject. Tell your teacher how would I being better in the past copy someone with a lower grade.
2012-04-09 7:50 am

I have never plagiarised and haven't given other classmates to copy my assignment.
If someone else copied my assignment, he/she did it on purpose.
I don't want to let others copy my assignment at all.
I'm really angry about being misunderstood. I swear I'm innocent!
參考: myself
2012-04-09 7:42 am
I definitely did not copy the homework, and Biren copy, if I did not know under copy my homework, I do not want to, so I was very indignant, I just want to explain that I was innocent!

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