geography book report

2012-04-09 6:07 am
Read a book about environment protection(thank you)



1.Write down three ways the book suggests which benefit to the world we are living on (with the page number).

2.Comment on their possibilities with one sentence( just write down good or bad at the back of the sentence)

3 suggested ways to protect the world




very important , thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

can you help to find some books if you can't help also,

回答 (2)

2012-04-11 1:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Pollution is caused when harmful or poisonous substances are released or found in the air, rivers, seas, animals, plants or even our bodies. Now, we live on a strong planet with robust plants and hardy animals and humans - but there’s only so much we can take.Unless we are using renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines, producing the electricity that powers our homes and gadgets causes pollution. Some of the petrol or diesel that we put into our cars turns into pollution, which is contained in exhaust fumes. Diesel fumes contain particulates - a fine dust, which is not good for asthmatics, for example.

we can’t leave out the massive impact of farming. The livestock we rear for meat emit more greenhouse gas than all the world’s transport! The greenhouse gas that livestock produce is called methane. Methane, together with other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide contribute to global warming by acting like a blanket surrounding the whole planet, trapping the sun’s heat within the atmosphere and causing global temperatures to rise.

Chemical waste from factories and sewage works can also cause pollution that can get into our rivers and seas, which soon carry the harmful particles for miles. Litter is considered pollution as it can cause harm to wildlife and disrupt rivers, streams, seas and other habitats. Harmful chemicals can also be found in many household and garden items, from plastics to cleaning products, weedkillers and sprays.

But all is not lost. We can all learn a few little tips to help protect the environment and its future:

How to help:Don’t drop litter Birds and animals can mistake litter for food. Litter can end up in rivers and block drains, or in the sea and be eaten by fish. Also, some litter will stay around for thousands of years!Save it! All of the electricity saving tips in the above section will also help reduce pollution.On your bike Instead of taking the car get your bicycle out or take the ‘shoelace express’ - also known as

2012-04-11 12:08:18 補充:
MingLam Choi you can answer the question instead of 食花生
2012-04-09 10:39 pm
very important , thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it is very important. That is why you should try yourself.

2012-04-11 09:06:07 補充:
Sas, forget it, if you hand in the answer by Kill-Me-Baby, I can guarantee your teacher will know this is not your own work.

2012-04-11 21:56:36 補充:
Sometimes 食花生 is not bad. Ha Ha.

Actually your answer is very good. I don't think I can do better. But the problem is it is too good for Sas. Sas needs a F.1- F.3 level answer.

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