女司儀,英文怎樣寫? 好急!

2012-04-09 12:40 am
我知道Master of Ceremony 是指司儀,女司儀是否用此名,或用另一個名?

回答 (8)

2012-04-09 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
正確是 Master of Ceremonies ,而且是男女合用,ceremony must be in plural form.

master of ceremonies = emcee (North America)

2012-04-08 21:05:41 補充:
e.g. He is the master of ceremonies for the Miss World Pageant.
She is the master of ceremonies for the Miss World Pageant.
2012-04-09 8:19 pm
You may take Amy or eic advices.
2012-04-09 4:36 am
suitable for both Master of Ceremony & Mistress of Ceremony
2012-04-09 2:27 am
mistress of the ceremony is more suitable
2012-04-09 1:24 am
Female master of ceremonies
參考: me
2012-04-09 1:10 am
Mistress of Ceremony is right.

2012-04-08 20:07:05 補充:
2012-04-09 12:52 am
You can use Mistress instead of Master.
2012-04-09 2:15 am
compare Master,from the mistress of the house, we've the mistress of the ceremony!

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