香港地質公園Eng video翻譯 (20點)

2012-04-08 10:42 pm
幫幫手la~~~plz T.T

回答 (2)

2012-04-10 10:37 pm
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Hong Kong is perhaps best known as a bustling metropolis with a lot of sky scrapers but it also offers a plethora of rich natural landscapes, just a quick ride away from the city.

Home to magestic rocky coasts and thriving natural habitats, Hong Kong global geopark of China is also located near the city center, a rare characteristic that makes this park unique among the world's geoparks.

Hong Kong geopark comprises eight jewel areas,
Double Haven
Tolo Channel
Port Island, Bluff Head
Tung Ping Chau
High Island
The Ninepin Group
Sharp Island
and the Ung Kong Group.
Each area owns unique characteristics.

With its world class geological features, dynamic natural habitats and rich cultural and heritage sites, Hong Kong geopark is one of the city's most spectacular attractions, providing visitors with a chance to truly experience the breath taking beauty of Hong Kong's natural landscapes.

2012-04-10 22:28:45 補充:
這個就是它的英文旁白,有幾個比較深的字,像 bustling metropolis, plethora 等等,你先查一下字典它的解釋,它的發音,然後自己讀兩遍,印出來,拿著它來看影片,那你就可以跟得上它的旁白了。

2012-04-11 00:30:03 補充:
eight geo areas, not jewel areas.
2015-11-25 2:57 am
ping chau - different from tung ping chau?

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:37:24
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