Command and explain..急!!! 15點

2012-04-08 6:21 am
Some people believe that street food is tasty but dirty. Do you agree? Explain with not less than 150words.

回答 (3)

2012-04-09 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This must be your English homework. Better do it yourself.

2012-04-09 12:32:44 補充:
信你一次 Chung LingLing

I disagree street food is tasty but dirty. Here is why.

Tasty food attracts customers. Dirty food drives away customers. These two features have to work hand in hand to make good business. All business man wants to have good business. Food is tasty so customers will come, Food is clean, so customers will come back again. If customers feel sick or feel offended by its unclean condition, how would they come back again ? Besides, unlike food sold at shops, the vendor has no way to hide the conditions. They are all visible to the customers. The kitchen is there. The display window is there. The cook is there. Food is served, sold next to the kitchen. Everything is prepared right in front of the customers' eyes. Besides, even though they are street food, they still have to comply with the laws of public health. Yes, since they are mobile, it would be hard for the government officers to check their sanitation, but consumers are the best inspectors. If there is a problem, consumers will move to the next vendor. This is the force of free market. The competition will drive out the less tasty, less clean street food vendors away just like food sold in the shops. The reason that street food are tasty is because they have to compete with the shop food. To compete, they have to cheaper, tastier and kept clean. This is the only way to keep them survive. Look at the famous night markets in Taiwan, they are basically all street food. People love them and become points of interests to tourists. Yes, some street food may be tasty but dirty but they won't last. Only those tasty, cheap and clean will survive in the market.

2012-04-09 16:52:07 補充:
To compete, they have to be cheaper, tastier and kept clean.

2012-04-10 15:20:43 補充:
I think the word "store" may be slightly better than "shop". So replace food sold in shops with food sold in stores. Well, it is up to you.
2013-07-27 5:45 pm
2012-04-09 7:15 am

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