What would you do? (20 character)?

2012-04-07 5:00 am
If you went into your room and saw your girlfriend/boyfriend having sex with a homeless person

回答 (16)

2012-04-07 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Think I'd be more confused than mad at that moment...
2012-04-07 12:02 pm
I'm wondering how they got into my room.
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
Why does it matter if the person is homeless. I'd be mad just because the fact that hes cheating on me.
2012-04-07 12:06 pm
Wait a minute... since when did I have a boyfriend?!

Just kidding. I'd be angry at first, then confused, then awkward.
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
Video. Youtube.
2012-04-07 12:21 pm

I dont have a girlfriend and a boyfriend.

Would you explain how that could work??
2012-04-07 12:07 pm
"What's up?"
2012-04-07 12:04 pm
dump him
2012-04-07 12:03 pm
One, two, three! [Get out]
2012-04-07 12:03 pm
the homeless person fact wouldn't matter. what would matter more is i would end the relationship
2012-04-07 12:02 pm
I'd be like, "F*ck, F*ck, F*ck, F*ck, F*ck, wtf?"
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
Make a sex tape and upload it to the internet.
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
Ask to join in?
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
does he have aids?
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
Join in, of course!
2012-04-07 12:01 pm
omg, id go insane.

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