Do you believe in God?

2012-04-06 9:51 pm

回答 (26)

2012-04-06 9:55 pm
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I was religious from childhood, and have always been interested in religions, mythology and science; I was a devout, practising Catholic; I read the Bible, both Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, several times; and was taught about it in school.

After studying and thinking deeply about faith, I realised in mid-teenage that faith was based upon nothing but itself, that science explained nature satisfactorily without needing supernatural beings, and that religious beliefs were no different to those of ancient beliefs in gods and goddesses.

When I first had doubts about my faith I thought that maybe this was a test of it, which was an idea planted in my mind by those teaching us about our faith. So I made the effort to accept it even more so. But the doubts came again, and I wondered what would happen if we took faith out of the equation; the world and nature still made sense, so I saw no reason to get back into it. And my understanding is that there's no theoretical or mathematical need for a god or gods, and there's no valid evidence of it or them; so there's no reason to believe. At the time this was difficult intellectually and emotionally (I was a teenager, after all).

That was over 45 years ago, and my escape from faith has freed me to embrace what science has to offer, which I consider far more plausible than belief in the supernatural, and is the nearest we can get to the truth about how nature and the universe work. I've felt a sense of freedom ever since, and am happy and at peace with this. And I've found the humility to admit that I don't know everything, rather than masking this by invoking a deity.

I still have an interest in religions, mythology, folklore and related matters, and am fascinated that people still believe in things that to me are clearly just not true.
2012-04-07 4:53 am
No I have no reason to, It's just like people have no reason to believe in anything of the supernatural. It is not to our knowledge or intellect. The same reason people blatantly don't believe in Zues, Poseidon, Goblins by default. There is no evidence whatsoever.
2012-04-07 4:53 am
Certainly not any of the religious gods, and probably not in some all-powerful force or energy behind the universe or whatever.
2012-04-07 4:53 am
Which god?
2012-04-07 4:53 am
I am an atheist, but I'm only about 99.99% sure there is no god. I mean, after all we cannot say 100% there is no god.
2012-04-07 4:53 am
I do not believe in an omnipotent, and omniscient God, no. I do, believe in multiple deities, however.
參考: Polytheist
2012-04-07 7:22 am
It's so unfortunate for those only believe with their eyes can see or their ears can hear. There are other parts of your body which can help you to make a clear and a better judgement.. Only if you could learn to use your eyes, ears in combination with your brain and your heart ,then you will "see" a BIG picture........then you will be able to feel and see GOD is for REAL !!!!

The Universe (possible Multi-verses) is just like a jigsaw puzzle. Every religions hold a piece of that puzzle and they are the keys to open those doors into the UNIVERSE. Remember , science is also a belief and it's just like one of the religion ( comes with some proofs)..........And until you grab hold that bunch of keys and the whole Universe will appear in front of your eyes and you will see it even with your eyes close !!

If your live is a cell or bacterial living in a body of a whale, The whole body of a whale is your Universe, you would not be able to think there many whale out there just like the one you live in..

If your live is a whale . You probably think the whole ocean is your Universe, you would not able to think lives are also in streams,ponds,lakes , rivers and also on surface, eg, human'

Now, your live is smart human . What do you think ???? Are there possible more intelligent beings out there ?.........Off cause .....more intelligent beings (Aliens)...spiritual beings (ghost)......superior beings (Angels & GOD). Do I need to prove it ? or you 're capable of working it out yourself.

May the light from God shines upon you All my dear Friends .....Amen.

sphere..........Love you All ! God Bless !
參考: GOD & Angels are for REAL !!!! I have talked to them all the times through praying and I got answered almost every times !
2012-04-07 5:29 am
Yes, but I don't believe in religion. I have christian beliefs for the most part, but it seems they don't. So I refuse to call myself christian.

I actually grew up hating church, then I was an atheist for a few years. I didn't look into anything, so I didn't really care if there was or wasn't a God. Then I suddenly got interested, looked into the bible (which by the way, was written by several people over several years, so yes, there's inconsistencies, things change over time and are expressed differently by different people), it made sense considering how many different people were involved in creating it. I didn't necessarily agree with all of it but that's not a big deal. I looked into the science I had decided to believe for years, that didn't make sense. Even just the very beginning.

Big bang theory. Okay, universe expands from matter that was just somehow there, but why? It's scientifically impossible without a supernatural force. Also, science books say that everything is designed. According to science, it needs a designer. There's two flaws in common atheist beliefs.

But how does God make sense then? Good question. I'm sure you're just dying to hear the answer. The universe almost definitely had a beginning according to scientists. And everything in the universe has a beginning. God created the universe. He is outside of it. Therefore, he does not need to have a beginning. It's a hard concept to understand, but he's always been there. We assume that everything needs a beginning so it can be hard to believe, but He doesn't.

That's my logic at least. And my life story in regards to religion... Well I figure it's good to believe anyway because it gives a sense of morality and it gives you something to look forward to when you die. If you believe and there is a God, you probably get into heaven. If you're atheist, what have you got to look forward to?
2012-04-07 4:58 am
No I dont. I used for a long time. But I was pushed over the breaking point when at a hospice my step mom ( who doesn't believe in god ) mom was dying. The woman was saying things like you'll see your mom im heaven and crap to comfort. My step mom doesn't lie and she said I dont believe in god and that woman said so many nasty things that if there's a god that bitch better not be going. I've met more selfish careless evil Christians then anyone else! Scaring people into their religion with hell its beastly disgusting and wrong!
2012-04-07 4:57 am
No, all of the more than 3500 one and only true gods that have been worshiped since the beginning of recorded history are false.

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