Maths of F4 standard

2012-04-06 9:28 pm
A cleaning company, which provides office and home cleaning, has 2 full-time workers and 4 part-time workers. It is known that each office cleaning requires 8 man-hours, while each home cleaning requires 4 man-hours. It is the company policy that office cleanings should be conducted by full-time workers. Suppose a full-time worker works for 8 hours a day and a part-time worker works 4 hours a day. Let x and y be the daily numbers of office and home cleaning services provided by the company respectively.

Write down all the constraints on x and y.

the answer is correct, but where does 16 in 8x <= 16 come from?

回答 (1)

2012-04-06 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Total man-hours = 2 * 8 + 4 * 4 = 32

Let x and y be the daily numbers of office and home cleaning services

8x + 4y <= 32 (constraint of man-hours)

8x <= 16 or x <= 2 (constraint of full time workers)

x,y >= 0

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